Agenda item

Licensing - Service Standards

To seek endorsement on Licensing’s written Service Standards; which once adopted will indicate to customers the level of service they can expect from Licensing.


(Report attached)



Members considered a report which sought endorsement of the Licensing Service’s written Service Standards.


Officers reported that although there were no statutory requirements for the Council to publish Licensing Service Standards it had been recognised as good practice to provide written standards that indicate the level of service that customers can expect from the Service.




the Licensing Service Customer Standards, as amended and detailed below, be approved and published.




Licensing Service Customer Standards


The Licensing Service


The Licensing Section operates in connection with the Council’s role as the Licensing Authority for the Licensing and Gambling Acts and the Local Authority for the regulation of all other licensable activities. We work in partnership with the Police, Trading Standards, Businesses, Residents and other partner organisations.


Through advice and enforcement we seek to ensure high standards of operation from the premises and the services we licence.


It is the Licensing Service’s intention that all licence applications will be dealt with promptly.  However, many delays are caused by applicants who fail to submit all required documents.


Each licence or registration is considered in accordance with statute law, case law, any appropriate Council policy, the requirements of the Enforcement Policy and any applicable code of practice, guidance or condition.


In addition to the consultation, administration and licence production processes most applications require an inspection of the proposed premises or vehicle by officers of the Council.


The Licensing Service will when dealing with the investigation of complaints or possible breaches of licence conditions take enforcement action in line with our enforcement policy to ensure fairness and consistency.


Complaints and Compliments


If we do things well please tell us; but if you have a complaint please speak to the member of staff who has been dealing with you. They may be able to sort it out straight away. Alternatively, ask to speak to the manager. Complaints give us the chance to put things right and improve how we do things in the future. If you are still not satisfied we can give you our leaflet “How to make a complaint or compliment” which fully explains the formal complaints procedure. We are determined to provide quality, customer focussed services.


Licensing Service Customer Standards

How will they be measured?

Measuring Frequency

We will investigate and resolve complaints made in relation to premises or services we licence within 2 months.


Excel Enforcement Spreadsheet


We will consult in accordance with Statutory requirements on all licensing matters.

Post book

Monitored yearly

Application packages for all licences will be issued within 5 working days of receipt of request

Post book

Monitored quarterly

All Premises Licences will be issued within 5 working days of public notices being completed if all papers are submitted and are complete and no representations are received.

Post book

Monitored quarterly

All licensed vehicles will have safety tests carried out within 28 days of the appointed date.

Caps Uniform

Monitored Monthly

All medical examinations and CRB applications for drivers will be renewed  applied for within 28 days of the expiry the original documentation and in any case prior to the renewal of a licence.

Caps Uniform

Monitored Monthly



Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licenses – Alcohol, Entertainment and Late Night Refreshment.


A representative sample of premises and all premises which have been the source of complaints or other problems will be inspected prior to the issue of a licence.  All premises will be subject to a “during performance” inspection by the Enforcement Officer usually in company with the Police.




Caps Uniform and Officers Excel Spreadsheet.




Gambling Act 2005 – Premise Licence – Betting, Bingo and Amusement Arcades.


All premises will be inspected prior to the issue of a licence.




Taxis - Hackney Carriage Vehicles and Drivers, Private Hire Operators, Vehicles and Drivers.


All applicants will be interviewed and all vehicles inspected prior to the issue of a licence.


Licensing will work in partnership with VOSA and the West Mercia Police to ensure all licensed vehicles are kept in a roadworthy condition and fit for purpose.




Supporting documents: