Agenda item

Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism, Councillor P Anderson - Annual Report

To consider the Annual Report from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism.


(Report attached).


The Chair welcomed Councillor Anderson, the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism to the meeting.  Councillor Anderson presented his report in accordance with the questions set by the Committee.


a)                 Can you guarantee that Redditch’s Leisure Services will continue to be delivered in the ‘Redditch way’ and not in the ‘Bromsgrove way’? (i.e. We won’t be begging Wychavon District Council to run our Leisure Services).

He reported that some leisure services, particularly sports facilities, had been affected by the recession with fewer people attending and income being reduced.  However, the Council had continued to work with clubs, e.g. the swimming club at Hewell Road Pool, which had been successful at County level.


The Council had attracted funding from the British Cycling Federation, which together with Section 106 monies had been used to provide one of the best BMX facilities in the country.


In respect of Community Centres he reported that three continued to be operated by the Council, three had new uses and three were now managed by other operators.  Meanwhile, discussions were ongoing with NEW College regarding the REDI Centre.


Plans for changes at the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre had received all party support.  The Head of Leisure and Culture informed Members that work on proposals for the future of the Centre, including the types of activities which could be provided from the site, was ongoing.  Further reports would be made to the Executive Committee for their approval.


Visitor numbers at the Forge Mill Museum had fallen during the year because of the inclement weather.


A new operator had become responsible for Pitcheroak Golf Club in the summer of 2009.  Their first year had been challenging because of bad weather but improvements were expected in 2010.


b)                 When will Shopping, Investing and Giving (SIG) be fully implemented?

Councillor Anderson reported that SIG would be fully implemented during the next financial year.  Funding had been obtained to employ a Grants Officer for one year who would work with the Third Sector to help them shop for, or procure, services.

c)                  What have you instigated to involve more people in the arts in Redditch?

The Palace Theatre attracted middle aged and elderly audiences except for community based performances.  It was felt that more young people needed to be attracted to performances to ensure continued use in the future.  The Head of Leisure and Culture reported that  Worcestershire County Council was consulting on a draft Arts Strategy for the County.  He said that this would include an Action Plan for Redditch.


d)                 What do you do in your capacity as Portfolio Holder with responsibility for education?

Sure Start had been successful in Redditch but was an education service controlled by central government and Worcestershire County Council.  

e)                 What are you doing to help remove the red flag on educational inequalities?

The Head of Community Services informed Members that this subject would be dealt with more fully in the item covering the Comprehensive Area Assessment.

f)                    What are your views about the two-tier, as opposed to the three-tier, education system?

Councillor Anderson said that he felt that both systems showed some merit.  However, statistically he felt that it was very difficult to prove which system was better.



the report be noted.


(During consideration of this item Members discussed matters that necessitated the disclosure of exempt information.  It was therefore agreed to exclude the press and public during the debate on the grounds that information would be revealed relating to the financial or business affairs of any person including the authority holding that information and contemplated consultations or negotiations in connection with a labour relations matter between the authority and employees of the authority.)


(There is nothing exempt, however, in this record of proceedings.)

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