Agenda item

Portfolio Holder for Community Safety - Annual Report

To consider the Annual Report from the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety.


(Report attached)


The Committee received an annual report from Councillor Brunner, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety.


A number of issues were highlighted during the report, some of which were:


1)         The Committee observed that the Community Safety Panel did not hold any meetings in the previous year and wanted to know why this had happened.

2)         The Committee also noted that Redditch Fire Authority as a member of the Community Safety Partnership had its crewing levels reduced and wanted to know if this crewing reduction was having an impact on community safety.


Councillor Brunner reported that the Community Safety Panel did not hold any meeting because Members did not request such a meeting. As regards the operational problems being faced by the Fire Authority, Councillor Brunner reported that she felt it was outside her remit to comment on another Partner’s internal management. However, the Portfolio Holder stated that there were no safety incidents or concerns reported as a result of the issues stated above.


The Committee reiterated that it was the responsibility of the Portfolio Holder to call for Community Safety Panel meetings and advised that it would be best to establish communication between the Fire Authority and the Portfolio Holder to share on the effects that operational problems were likely to have on Community Safety.


The Portfolio Holder also reported on a number of areas where progress had been achieved. The Committee commended the officers for job well done. Some of the areas were:


Licensing operations


It was reported licensing operations had been boosted in areas such as door security at night clubs; audit of licensed premises; licensing of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire taxis where a Handbook containing details of taxi drivers had been introduced; and deployment of a Project Liaison and Enforcement officer who carried out random checks on areas where private hire taxis operated.


Bus Shelter


It was reported that old bus shelters had been removed and replaced with new ones resulting in less anti social behaviours in areas around the shelters.


Other Bespoke Projects


It was reported that one of the projects, the 5 aside football pitches, proved extremely popular among young people and the first phase had been completed. As a result of this project’s success in the Borough, it was reported that the project was being rolled out Countywide as best practice. The Portfolio Holder also reported that there was an improvement in Hate Crime reporting as a result of introduction of some leaflets such as “See no evil, Hear no evil and Speak no evil”


Underpass Project


It was reported that a lot of young people were involved in this project and it had proved very successful.


Home Security Project


It was reported that this project had been advertised in Redditch Matters. The Portfolio Holder stated that prototype gates were installed in alleyways and as a result there had been reduction in anti social behaviour.




The Portfolio Holder reported that there were no immediate plans to expand the service but that the merger of two existing control centres was ongoing. The team had digital covert surveillance that could be deployed as a last resort but the Council was looking to employ mobile overt systems in addition to the present fixed overt cameras as this represented a more effective use of the Council’s assets.




the report be noted.


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