Agenda item

Call-in and Pre-Scrutiny

To consider whether any Key Decisions of the Executive Committee’s most recent meeting(s) should be subject to call-in and also to consider whether any items on the Forward Plan require pre-scrutiny.

(No separate report).


It was noted that there had been no specific call-ins relating to the Decision Notice of the Executive Committee meeting held on 16th June 2010.


In respect of pre-scrutiny requests, the Committee discussed various items scheduled on the Forward Plan for consideration by the Executive Committee.  Members agreed that several of the items were suitable for pre-scrutiny, namely:


a)         REDI Centre Options – Update report (28th July 2010 Executive)


b)         Older Persons Housing and Support Strategy (28th July 2010 Executive);


c)         Children and Young Peoples Plan (12th January 2011 Executive); and


d)         Improvement Plan 2010/11 (28th July 2010 Executive - Members noted that this item might be removed from the Forward Plan);


It was noted that the Joint Worcestershire Scrutiny into Flood Task and Finish Group’s recommendations had still to be considered by the Executive Committee, although no specific date for it to be considered had been scheduled on the Forward Plan.  Officers were requested to advise Committee Services on the proposed date for the Executive to consider the matter as soon as possible for scheduling on the Forward Plan.


Reference was made to an item on the Decision Notice from the 25th May 2010 Executive Committee meeting relating to the Supporting People Strategy.  Officers advised that, whilst the matter could no longer be called in, and the Executive Committee’s recommendation to adopt the strategy was due to be considered at full Council on the 28th June (where Members would have an opportunity comment if they wished), it could still be subject to further scrutiny.  Particular concerns were expressed about the style of writing and language used which, it was suggested, rendered the report incomprehensible, unclear and not suitable for a public audience.


Members were informed that the report had, in fact, been produced by the County Council for circulation to District Councils.  Officers were asked to report the Committee’s concerns regarding the strategy to the Worcestershire Supporting Peoples’ Group and provide a further presentation on the subject of the strategy for the Committee’s consideration in due course.




1)         the REDI Centre – options report be provided for pre-scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the Executive Committee considering the item;


2)         the Older Persons Housing and Support Strategy report be provided for pre-scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the Executive Committee considering the item;


3)         the Children and Young Peoples Plan be provided for pre-scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to the Executive Committee considering the item;


4)         subject to the item remaining on the Forward Plan, the Improvement Plan 2010/11 be provided for pre-scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee prior to consideration by the Executive Committee;


5)         a further presentation on the subject of the Supporting People Strategy be provided for the Committee’s consideration in due course; and


6)         in respect of the Joint Worcestershire Scrutiny in to Flooding Task and Finish Group recommendations, currently listed on the Forward Plan with no scheduled date, appropriate Officers be requested to provide Committee Services with a date when the item was to be considered by the Executive Committee, as soon as possible.