Agenda item

Bus Pass Scheme: County Provision - Update

To receive an update on progress to date regarding the bus pass scheme for the County.


(Oral report).


The Committee received an update report on progress to date in relation to the Bus Pass Scheme for the County.


Officers reported on a number of specific areas, in particular in relation to:


a)         Age of eligibility for concessionary bus travel


Members noted that the age of eligibility for concessionary bus travel had been altered in line with changes made to the State Pension Scheme from April 2010.  The changes, which would only impact on those due to turn 60 on or after 6th April 2010, had led to a lot of confusion for residents as there had been very little publicity nationally with the added issue that there would be a phased approach to issuing passes.  Eligible residents would not necessarily receive their bus passes immediately upon application. 


b)                 Concessionary fares funding


The 2010/11 grant for Redditch had remained unchanged at £239,400.  Members were reminded, however, that from 2011 the County Council would be the designated Travel Concession Authority for the County’s six Districts and all funding will be directed to them.  


Members were advised that the County Council had been instructed to have a main-stream, uniform approach to the scheme.  Dependant on what scheme they decide to adopt, District Councils might ultimately have to fund any enhanced concessionary schemes they wished to have over and above the County Council’s standard scheme.  Officers reported that JMP Consulting would be providing estimates on the overall cost of pre-9.30am travel concession by the end of June.  Members requested that a copy of the information be circulated to them for information.  It was noted that two Districts had already removed this enhanced concession. 


c)                  Branding


In response to a Member’s query on why the Concessionary Passes could not display both County and Redditch Councils Logos on the front of cards, Officers advised that current legislation only allowed for the Travel Concession Authority’s logo (the County Council’s in this instance) to be displayed.


Members expressed their concerns that Redditch would have no real input into the decisions on the scheme and how it operated.  They were particular concerned that the pre-9.30am travel scheme might be lost.  


It was noted that, ultimately the responsibility for the Concessionary Fares Scheme and the decision as to whether to adopt the National scheme or to allow enhancements such as pre-9.30am travel would rest with the County Council.  It was suggested and agreed that the relevant Worcestershire County Council Portfolio Holder and appropriate County Council Officers with responsibility for concessionary fares should be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the matter in more detail.  




1)         the Officers’ report and oral update be noted;          


2)         Officers to circulate a copy of the information due to be provided by JMP Consulting on the costs associated with providing the pre-9.30am travel concession for members’ consideration; and


3)         the relevant Worcestershire County Council Portfolio Holder and Responsible Officer(s) be invited to attend the 14th July 2010 meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to discuss the matter in more detail.


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