Agenda item

Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Event - Outcomes

To consider the outcomes of the Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Event, which took place 26th July, and to short list items for scrutiny during the year.


(Report attached).


The Committee considered a report which summarised the main proposals that had been made by the Councillors who had attended the Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Event on 26th July 2010.  Specific reference was made to suggestions regarding: the delivery of Portfolio Holder Annual Reports at meetings of the Committee; public engagement with scrutiny; and suitable topics for review in 2010/11.    


In relation to Portfolio Holder Annual Reports, four potential options (as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report) for the delivery of the annual reports were considered for implementation in 2010/11.  A suggestion that the Annual Reports be presented at Council meetings was considered.  It was agreed, however, that Overview and Scrutiny was still the most suitable arena for the Portfolio Holder annual Reports to be considered for both scrutiny and practical purposes.  It was instead therefore agreed that a combination of suggestions 1 and 2 would be more suitable. (Please view Appendix 1).


In relation to public engagement with scrutiny, the suggestions detailed in Appendix 3 to the report were discussed.  Members considered that more should be done to raise awareness of scrutiny with the public.  It was suggested that residents be provided with opportunities for public speaking at meetings on specific issues of local interest.  It was also considered that, subject to looking into the practicalities of arrangements, residents might be more interested in scrutiny if the Committee were to hold external scrutiny meetings across the Borough on appropriate local issues of public interest. 


In relation to future proposed topics for scrutiny, a list of issues (detailed in Appendix 4 to the report) were discussed.  The Committee agreed that budget scrutiny (Item 2) should be considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee during the course of the year.  Members further agreed that scoping documents be submitted for the Committee’s consideration on potential Task and Finish review work on Promoting Redditch (Item 14) and Work Experience Opportunities for Young People (Item 17).


A proposal that the “red flag” issues be considered for scrutiny was discussed.  Officers advised that the LSP would be focusing on a number of the suggested topics, including the red flag items on health and education inequalities, during the course of the year and there was therefore the potential for work to be duplicated if the Committee agreed to undertake further scrutiny work itself.  Members would be provided with and have an opportunity to scrutinise individual updates on the various areas of focus through the proposed six monthly reports to the Committee and key Officers could be asked to provide reports on specific areas to the Committee if necessary.             




1)         the report be noted;


2)         a combination of Options 1 and 2 in respect of Portfolio Holder reports, be implemented by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for 2010/11 (see attached appendix for details);


3)         the suggestions regarding public engagement made during the course of the Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Event, be noted;


4)         relevant Officers be requested to scope options for public speaking at Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings and look at the practicalities of holding Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings at various venues across the Borough on single issues as and when appropriate and report back to a future meeting of the Committee; and 


5)         the following topics be added to the Committee’s Work Programme, if not already listed, for further scrutiny work, namely:

            a)         Budget Scrutiny  -  to implement appropriate arrangements for budget scrutiny during the year;                  

            b)        Promoting Redditch – locally, regionally and nationally; and

            c)         Work Experience Opportunities for Young People – to assess current opportunities and how they could be improved.


Supporting documents: