Agenda item

Work Programme Planning Day

To discuss arrangements for the 2008/09 Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Day.


(Oral Report)



Officers explained that an Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Day had been organised in the previous municipal year.  The Work Programme had been introduced to enable Members to plan the work that would be undertaken as part of the Overview and Scrutiny process at the Council during the following year.  Members were informed that the Planning Day had been due to take place on Friday the 23rd May but had been postponed to provide Members appointed to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in May 2008 with an opportunity to contribute to arrangements for the event.


Officers presented a copy of the programme for the day that had been approved by the Committee in the previous year as well as a suggested alternative programme for the event.  Officers explained that there were concerns that some of the group exercises originally scheduled to take place during the day might be more suitable for further debate at meetings of the Committee. 


Members agreed that the Planning Day should focus on exploring potential topics for scrutiny.  However, Members also requested that the session begin with an exploration of appropriate working relations between the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Executive Committee.  Officers were asked to review and provide information about best practice in relations between the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Committees, based on details obtained by Councillor Thomas during a scrutiny training event.  Due to the reduced content of the programme for the day Members agreed that the event should take place in the afternoon only. 


Members agreed that all non-Executive Committee Members should be invited to attend the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Afternoon.  Members also agreed that Executive Committee Members should be invited to attend the first half of the event, to involve all Members in the discussions about relations between Executive Committee and Overview and Scrutiny Committee Members.  However, Members did not believe that it would be appropriate for the Executive Committee Members to be involved in the second session, focused on exploring potential topics for scrutiny.  Therefore, Members agreed that Executive Members would be asked not to participate in that second group exercise but rather to submit any ideas for scrutiny in writing.


Members also discussed the appropriate Officer presence for the Work Programme Planning Afternoon.  Members agreed that senior Officers would not be required to attend.  However, Members requested that the Democratic Services Manager attend to help facilitate the first session.  The Overview and Scrutiny Support Officers were asked to attend both sessions. 


Officers noted that one of the exercises that had been incorporated into the original programme for the event had related to a number of standard items considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee: quarterly performance reports; quarterly budget reports; and the annual review of the Council’s Service Plans.  Members were informed that Officers would appreciate further guidance from Members about the required presentation for these items.  The Chair suggested that due to the change in membership for the Committee in May 2008 it would be appropriate to postpone any such review until all Members had familiarised themselves with the current format for presenting these reports.


Members approved Friday the 20th June 2008 as the date for the Work Programme Planning Afternoon.  They agreed that a buffet lunch should be provided for all Members at the start of the event.




subject to the details contained in the preamble above the arrangements for the Work Programme Planning Afternoon be approved.