Agenda item

Review of Redditch Borough Council's Sheltered Housing Stock - Customer Feedback Update

To consider further customer feedback on the Council’s Sheltered Housing Stock.


(Report attached)





1)                 Officers findings now be considered conclusive and the matter progress through Full Council on 20th September, 2010; and




2)                 sufficient consultation and opportunity for interested parties to feed back on the outcomes of the Review of Sheltered Housing have taken place; and


3)                 in order to achieve the desired outcomes included in the Action Plan of the Older Persons Housing and Support Strategy, as approved by Full Council on 18th September 2009 the thoughts of interested parties be noted but proposals as approved by the Executive Committee on 28th July 2010 remain unchanged.



Further to earlier decisions to agree in principle the proposals submitted to previous meetings of the Executive Committee and Council, Officers informed Members of the outcome of the period of information sharing with tenants which had taken place over recent weeks.


A number of responses had been received from tenants, which were included in the papers presented to Members. It was contended that no substantially new issues had arisen during this process but tenants seemed appreciative of the time that Officers had spent going over the proposals with them.




1)                 Officers findings now be considered conclusive and the matter progress through Full Council on 20th September, 2010; and




2)                 sufficient consultation and opportunity for interested parties to feed back on the outcomes of the Review of Sheltered Housing have taken place; and


3)                 in order to achieve the desired outcomes included in the Action Plan of the Older Persons Housing and Support Strategy, as approved by Full Council on 18th September 2009 the thoughts of interested parties be noted but proposals as approved by the Executive Committee on 28th July 2010 remain unchanged.


Supporting documents: