Agenda item

Notices of Motion

To consider a Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor W Norton in accordance with Standing Order 6, concerning concessionary bus travel.

(Report attached)




A Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor William Norton in respect of Concessionary Bus Fares. This was seconded by Councillor Diane Thomas.


The Council was advised that the Coalition government was continuing the policy of the previous government of reorganising the free bus pass system. The system in Redditch would in future be administered by Worcestershire County Council. It was noted that any enhancements to the core service to be provided by the County Council would have to be funded locally but there was still a lack of information on the reallocation of funds from the Districts to the County. Given that the changes were to be introduced from April 2011 at the latest it was imperative that the Council received this information as soon as possible in order that the financial implications could be determined.


An amendment to the motion proposing that the Council commit to maintaining the current level of service in the Concessionary Fares Scheme and fund any shortfall in funding from the County Council was the subject of the following named vote in accordance with Standing Order 16:


Members voting FOR the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Greg Chance, Jack Cookson, Andy Fry, Bill Hartnett, Robin King, Wanda King and Mark Shurmer.

(7 votes)


Members voting AGAINST the amendment to the motion:


Councillors Peter Anderson, Kath Banks, Michael Braley, Andrew Brazier, Juliet Brunner, Michael Chalk, Simon Chalk, Anita Clayton, Brandon Clayton, Carole Gandy, Adam Griffin, Malcolm Hall, Nigel Hicks, Roger Hill, Gay Hopkins, William Norton, Jinny Pearce, Brenda Quinney and Derek Taylor.

(19 votes)


Members abstaining from voting:


Councillor Diane Thomas.


Accordingly, the amendment to the Motion fell and the substantive motion as originally submitted to the Council was the subject of the following named vote in accordance with Standing Order 16:


Members voting FOR the motion:


Councillors Peter Anderson, Kath Banks, Michael Braley, Andrew Brazier, Juliet Brunner, Michael Chalk, Simon Chalk, Greg Chance, Anita Clayton, Brandon Clayton, Jack Cookson, Andy Fry, Carole Gandy, Adam Griffin, Malcolm Hall, Bill Hartnett, Nigel Hicks, Roger Hill, Gay Hopkins, Robin King, Wanda King, William Norton, Jinny Pearce, Brenda Quinney, Mark Shurmer, Derek Taylor and Diane Thomas.

(27 votes)


Members voting AGAINST the motion:




Members abstaining from voting:




Accordingly it was




1)         it be noted that


a)   the Coalition Government has decided to continue with the policy of the previous government of reorganising the free bus pass system so that in the case of Redditch it will in future be administered by Worcestershire County Council;


b)  this will involve a reallocation of central government grants from Redditch Borough Council to WorcestershireCounty Council from April 2011 at the latest;


c)   as a result of this reorganisation the risk is that free bus pass will in future cover only a core service beginning after 9.30 am, which is narrower than the coverage currently provided by the Redditch-administered bus pass;


d)  any enhancements to the new bus pass core service will have to be financed by Redditch Borough Council out of other grants and income, and the ability to do so will depend upon the level of grant reallocated from Redditch to Worcestershire County Council by central government;


e)   despite the fact that this reorganisation was confirmed by Alistair Darling MP in the December 2009 Pre Budget Report, officers of Worcestershire County Council have informed the Overview & Scrutiny Committee that central government has so far failed to confirm the basis on which the reallocation of funds will take place, or the amounts involved; and


2)         the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive Officer be requested to:


a)   write to the Department for Transport deploring the unreasonable delay in confirming the basis of the reallocation of funding and requesting an early deadline by which time these matters will be notified to the Council; and


b)  use their good offices, together with those of the MP for Redditch, to make the Secretary of State for Transport and other relevant ministers aware of the importance to the residents of Redditch of an early resolution of this issue.


Supporting documents: