Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Report - Portfolio Holder for Housing, Local Environment and Health

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Corporate Management, Councillor Brandon Clayton, based on the questions proposed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


(Report attached)



Further to consideration of the Portfolio Holder for Housing, Local Environment and Health’s written report at the previous meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 27th October 2010, and Members agreed themed questions to be put to the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Brandon Clayton, in respect of his Annual Report to the Committee, the following responses were provided: 


1.         How are Government policy changes to housing benefit expected to impact on Redditch residents?


The Committee was advised that, as the Government’s proposed changes to Housing Benefit policy was still being debated in the House of Commons, it was too early to gauge the impact on residents.  Decisions on single payments to banks or rent accounts were also yet to be finalised but could potentially provide savings on administration costs and proposed changes in social housing could potentially help with housing figures. 


2.         What impact is expected of the Government White Paper Equity and excellence: liberating the NHS on local health provision?


Cllr Clayton advised that the White Paper was still being discussed and until the final outcomes were known it was difficult to know what impact the proposals would have on local health provision at this time.


Members were informed, however, that the potential for some health funding to be transferred to the County Council from the PCT was already known and the proposed changes to PCTs could also potentially impact on services; discussions had taken place with the PCT and some GP’s had also been approached for their views.


Some concerns were raised relating to the County Council having control of funding and whether it would be detrimental to Redditch.  Whether GP’s were ready and willing to take on a bigger role in local health provision and the potential changes to NICE and the allocation of drugs at a more local level was also highlighted with some Members concerned that local determination on drug allocation could lead to inequitable provision according to location.  


Councillor Clayton reiterated that until final decisions had been made and all of the details were known on Policy proposals for local areas to determine their own needs in local health provision, it was too early to speculate on how it would affect the Borough.


3.         What progress has been made on the 10:10 Climate Change agreement?


            Members were advised that the Executive Committee had already agreed an Action Plan, including those for CO2 emissions.  The Executive Committee had agreed the Salix funding, 100% of which would go into Climate Change.  The Crematorium, Abbey Stadium and Council vehicles were also being looked at for potential improvements as was the use of solar panels to reduce usage at the Palace Theatre (with the potential for it to become an “A” rated building) and St David’s House.  It was also noted that all new buildings would have to comply with climate change requirements.


It was suggested that the Council was still using large quantities of gas and electricity and needed to be more proactive in reducing its basic energy usage.  Councillor Clayton advised that long term solutions were being investigated and every effort would be made to continue reducing emissions and costs.


4.         What have been the outcomes following the implementation of the Introductory Tenancies Service?


            Councillor Clayton advised that five hundred and forty new tenancies with good levels of security had been achieved since the implementation of the Introductory Tenancies Service, with only three tenants currently in notice of eviction and being reviewed.  It was noted that no additional information had been received from the Government on Introductory Tenancies at present.   


5.         What effect has there been the switch of the Care and Repair service from a local service to the Worcestershire Care and Repair Agency?


Councillor Clayton advised that he had attended a recent Agency Board meeting and understood that there had been a reduction of 2% in overhead costs.  However, given the changes to the service had only recently taken place and that there were no figures to compare performance to at this time, this information could not be verified.  Members were also advised that there had been no reduction in the number of people receiving help since the switch. 


6.         What recent action has been undertaken to tackle health inequalities?


            Councillor Clayton advised that a number of actions had been taken to tackle health inequalities such as:


a)         Health Trainers being able to see more people as a result of contract changes;


b)         County Councillors in Redditch providing funding for projects to improve quality of life;


c)         action to promote smoking cessation within the Borough; and


d)         the Sustainable Community Strategy Plan was due to be considered by the Executive Committee in March 2011.




            7.         What is your position regarding transition towns?


            Councillor Clayton advised that he considered transition towns to be a good concept and one that the Council supported.


8.         What costs does the Council accrue by ridding the roads of detritus?


            The Committee was advised that it was difficult to cost removal of detritus from the Borough’s roads as it was not possible to separate the detritus from other debris picked up such as leaves.  In response to a suggestion that removal of detritus be re-evaluated, it was reported that cleaning regimes had been revised to improve the situation at no additional cost.


9.         What plans are there to work with partners to provide social housing during the next twelve months?


The Committee was advised that, the Council had been working with other Social Housing providers for many years and would continue to do so, to provide different types of housing to meet its targets and Officers were in regular contact with the town’s Social Landlords.  Members also noted that the Council was willing to assist social landlords who were looking to formulate business plans.


In response to Members questions on the number of housing units currently in the planning process, Councillor Clayton advised that it was difficult to say, but in general terms, over a hundred new units had been provided in the previous year and it was hoped to provide similar numbers this year. 


On redeveloping other areas of land for social housing, such as Church Hill District Centre, Councillor Clayton reported that all appropriate land, including Redditch Borough Council land, was considered and the Council was prepared to work in partnership with developers to provide as much social housing as possible. 


In response to a Member’s speculation that the Council was to be given funding to build Council homes and questioned whether the Portfolio Holder had been aware of this, it was noted that Officers had received an indication that there was something in the pipeline but that nothing had been confirmed.  


10.     Will the Council consider selling off any of the existing housing stock?


Councillor Clayton advised that the question was difficult to answer in so far as residents themselves would have to opt out of any whole sale voluntary transfer of the housing stock.  The Council was, however, still selling housing stock through the Right to Buy scheme and, as appropriate, looking to dispose of specific housing stock like that at Upper Norgrove House.


Members were further advised that the matter was a HRA issue in that the Council had to consider how much debt it was able to take on.  It was considered, however, that selling off stock would not be to the Council’s benefit in the future as there was no funding available. 


On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked Councillor Clayton for his Annual Report.


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