Agenda item

External Refurbishment of Housing Stock Short-Sharp review - final report

To consider the final report from the External Refurbishment of Housing Stock Short-Sharp Review Group


(Report attached)


The Committee considered the final report from the External Refurbishment of Housing Stock Short-Sharp Review Group on proposals for a number of actions to be taken to improve the appearance of properties in the Council’s housing stock and surrounding environment in Woodrow specifically, but also potentially for future implementation in other parts of the Borough, at a relatively low financial cost to the Council.


The Chair of the Review Group, Councillor Graham Vickery, reminded Members of the reasons behind the review, which was to address concerns about the appearance of some of the Council’s housing stock and the impact it had on local residents and their environment,  He outlined the stages of the review namely a walkabout in Woodrow with Officers, during which various issues were identified, followed by a further meeting of meeting of the Group when a number of recommendations were formulated for the Committee’s consideration.  


Supported by photographic evidence, Councillor Vickery briefly went through each of the proposed recommendations and the reasons behind them.  He considered, however, that there were still a number of outstanding issues that needed to be considered, namely:


a)         the colouring of the rough cast pebble dash on houses in Ombersley and Rushock Close;  what colours tenants might prefer and consideration as to what might be achievable within existing budgets;


b)         the condition of the road surface at the entrance to Rushock Close; and


c)         the demolition of under-used garages and potential use of some Section 106 monies allocated for use on capital landscape work on soft landscaping work in the courtyard area located in Wishaw Close.


In respect of the rough cast work to houses at a) above, Members were referred to Appendix 1 of the report, which provided estimated costs.  Officers advised, however, that there was currently no budget available to undertake the work. 


It was noted that the issue of the road surface in Rushock Close would be the responsibility of the County Council.


The Portfolio Holder with the responsibility for Housing, Councillor Brandon Clayton, advised that Wishaw Close was currently listed on the Council’s Estate Enhancement Programme but he was not in a position to advise on timescales for works to be undertaken as the Close was one of thirty-plus in the programme.  


Officers reported, in responses to a Member’s query, that should tenants be interested in undertaking external redecoration of Council properties themselves, they would have to write to the Council as Landlord and that any requests would be judged on a case by case basis as appropriate.




1)         the report be noted; and


2)         Officers provide clarification on the three outstanding issues highlighted in the preamble above for Members at the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and




subject to Resolution 2 above and further consideration of the outstanding issues by the Committee, the following recommendations be approved:


1)         light colour paints be utilised to decorate garage doors to improve their visual appearance;


2)         the lintels featured on Council properties be decorated to improve the visual appearance of those properties;


3)         the retaining wall to the rear of 1-12 Martley Close be redecorated as part of a Council arts project;


4)         the Council assume responsibility for the maintenance of small strips of land located close to private properties and public spaces;


5)         the Council ensure that, when replacing diseased and dead plants, different types of plants are introduced to ensure there is a variety of leaf colours and foliage in any given area;


6)         the remaining section 106 money available for use on capital landscaping work on the Greenlands Open Spaces be allocated to soft landscaping work in the courtyard area located in Wishaw Close;


7)         in order to minimise the level of disruption experienced by local residents, there should be a holistic approach to the delivery of frontline services;


8)         representatives of local schools be invited to participate in estate walkabouts; and


9)         representatives of the local GP’s Consortium be invited to participate in the estate walkabouts once the consortia have been introduced in 2012/13.


Supporting documents: