Agenda item

Licensing Act Review

To consider an overall review of functions carried out under the Licensing Act 2003 by the Licensing Team for 2010.


(Report attached)


Officers presented a review of the functions carried out in relation to the Licensing Act 2003  by the Council as local Licensing Authority over the last year. A comparison of a number of the key measures such as complaints of under 18’s being sold alcohol, smoking on licensed premises or noise and disorder related issues for the previous two years indicated that there were very few instances of these difficulties and that the situation was generally stable. This data, taken alongside feedback from Officers, demonstrated that key messages continued to be adopted by those operating licensed premises. Smoking on licensed premises had not been the subject of any complaints, for example.


The Licensing Authority reviewed the premises licence of one licensed premises during the course of the year following complaints of under-age sales of alcohol. This had resulted in the Designated Premises Supervisor being changed, staff having to undergo ongoing training and adoption of the ‘Challenge 25’ scheme.


The Business Manager, Community Protection, Worcestershire Regulatory Service, provided an update on his team’s activities during the course of the previous year. Details were provided of test purchase attempts across the County and within the Borough for both on- and off-licence premises. Failure rates had proved to be significantly higher for public houses as opposed to off-licence retailers which would inform future test purchase and enforcement activity. The need for close working between the Licensing Authority, Police and Trading Standards was emphasised, given the need to ensure that all such activity was intelligence-led.


Inspector Ian Joseph of West Mercia Constabulary provided an update on the Police’s activity in relation to licensing matters over the previous year. It was noted, initially, that attendance generally at licensed premises had been reduced towards the end of 2010 and over the holiday period. This had led to one of the local night-clubs reducing its days of operation which had the potential to reduce the detriment to other aspects of policing. The use of drinks promotions and longer opening hours continued to be monitored by the Police and a number of interventions had been made during the course of the year where there was concern at the implications of specific proposals. There had been some Police activity to try and curb instances of drinking among the under 18’s, which was often linked to anti-social behaviour.


Inspector Joseph provided a brief update on organisational developments within the West Mercia force, particularly as they affected Licensing. No final decisions had yet been made on proposals but it was expected that there would be two Community Safety Hubs serving the whole Force area. It was also expected that the present police licensing function for the Redditch area would be removed with licensing functions falling back to the local forces to deliver as a consequence. There was some concern amongst Members at the move away from Divisional to Headquarters staffing of the Licensing function and Members sought and received an assurance that they would receive updates on progress with these changes.


The Committee endorsed the current practice of receiving six-monthly monitoring reports from the Police and Community Protection teams.




the annual report on the Licensing Act 2003 be noted.


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