Agenda item

Promoting Redditch Task and Finish Review - Final Report

To consider the Promoting Redditch Task and Finish Review - Final Report.


(Report attached)


The Committee received the Promoting Redditch Task and Finish Group’s Final Report and Executive Summary for consideration


A number of comments were returned on the recommendations. In relation to recommendation 1b the Committee heard that a specific budget already existed within the Economic Development Unit to promote Redditch as a business location. An alternative strap line to that developed by the Group to market the Borough as a business location had been drafted by an external company. The Chair of the Group, commented that the agreed slogan should reflect the Borough’s vibrancy and modernity.  Under these circumstances, it was agreed that recommendation 1b should be amended by the Chair of the Group to reflect these considerations accordingly.


Members heard that Worcestershire County Council already produced a publication that advertised events taking place in Redditch. This material was distributed through local libraries.  However, Members felt that further promotional materials could be produced to advertise local events and activities more effectively throughout the Borough.


Recommendation 9, regarding the promotion of hotels based in Redditch, was also discussed.  Members commented that whilst hotels represented a key business resource the Council should not necessarily be expected to commit resources to promoting hotels.  The Committee agreed that the wording of this recommendation should be amended to reflect this consideration.


Recommendation 14, relating to the use of electronic promotional tools, was also considered.  Members noted that this recommendation should be altered to reflect the need for there to be consistent provision of card payment facilities both online, in all promotional materials and at all venues.


Finally, in relation to recommendation 12, regarding road signage, the condition of the information shelters located throughout the town was discussed.  Whilst Members agreed that these information shelters represented useful guides they conceded that the continued lighting of the shelters at night had implications for climate change.  The Committee therefore agreed that the content of the report should be altered to incorporate a suggestion that the shelters should not continue to be lit at night.


The Chair thanked the Group on the behalf of the Committee for a thorough piece of work.





1a     leisure tourism marketing should be targeted at families of all cultures within Redditch and a radius of 20 miles, highlighting the attractions of the Arrow ValleyLake and Countryside Centre and the shopping opportunities;


1b    business marketing should promote Redditch’s strategic and rural location, being vibrant and modern and using an appropriate strap line (a recommended form of words for which will be agreed in consultation with the Chair of the Group and incorporated in the final report to the Executive Committee);


2)           a significant festival and events programme should be developed and marketed cohesively to raise the profile of the town in the region;


3)           promotional material should be developed in partnerships and through Redditch Matters;


4)           the Palace Theatre, Forge Mill Needle Museum, Bordesley Abbey Visitor Centre and a public arts programme should be developed with increased management resource to provide increased audiences, more events and significant installations;


5)           the Redditch Town Centre Partnership should work to create a more rounded shopping experience in the Kingfisher Shopping Centre and Church Green, with event based programmes to refresh the offer and a cohesive marketing strategy incorporating recognisable branding, key qualities and identifiers;


6)           Redditch market should be developed to provide again a substantial marketing strategy for the town centre and develop opportunities for new entrepreneurs;


7)           the Council should ensure that business promotion receives appropriate investment and provide an information resource fit for purpose;


8)           the new North Worcestershire Economic Development Service and Strategy should recognise the importance of tourism to the local economy and ensure that adequate resources are allocated to the promotion of tourism in the area;


9)           the need for the promotion of Redditch hotels as a business resource, not necessarily by the Council, should be recognised;


10)       consideration should be given to devising a Visitor Ambassador Scheme;


11)       the Council should endorse the Redditch Advertiser's proposal to introduce a Redditch Community Awards programme and should work with the newspaper and other partners to deliver the scheme;


12)       the Council ensure that deficiencies in road signage are addressed: location naming, systemic effectiveness and physical cleanliness;


13)       the Council should actively seek to establish promotion partnerships and ensure that commercial interests have a full and effective voice; and


14)       the Council should ensure that electronic promotion tools are constantly developed and exploited to the full.  This should include introducing a virtual business centre and consistent provision of card payment facilities both online, in promotional materials and at all venues;




1)           subject to the Chair of the Group amending the wording, recommendation 1b contained within the report be forwarded for the consideration of the Executive Committee; and


2)           the report be noted.


















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