Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Report - Leisure and Tourism

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism, Councillor Gay Hopkins, based on the questions proposed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 


(Report attached)




Councillor Gay Hopkins, Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism, provided Members with responses to the Committee’s list of questions as detailed below:


a)      What information can be provided on the management structure at the Palace Theatre and Forge MillNeedle Museum?


Members were informed that a full service review of the management structures at the Palace Theatre and Forge MillNeedle Museum was being undertaken as part of the Council’s shared services programme with Bromsgrove District Council. 


Increasing on-site managerial accountability to help improve standards at both venues was a primary intention of the revised structures.


i)              How do you anticipate that the management structure will contribute to increasing the number of visitors to both venues?


The revised management structure proposed the employment of new members of staff at both venues to specifically focus on achieving increased visitor numbers.


The introduction of a Programme Board for each venue had also been proposed to help to meet with local demand. This included introducing more ambitious and varied approach to programming to attract more visitors to the Palace Theatre, including from more diverse neighbouring areas. Members encouraged the Portfolio Holder to further promote the Palace Theatre as a prime tourist destination in Redditch.


Members were advised that a large play area for children had been installed at the Museum to help attract local families. It was reported also that a wartime exhibition had been very well attended.


ii)            How do you propose to further publicise and promote the Palace Theatre?


         A more targeted approach to marketing was being undertaken to further publicise and promote the Palace Theatre. This involved targeting younger age groups through social networks to both promote existing programmes and to obtain a greater appreciation of their programme preferences.


         The venue was building its list of email contacts for future marketing and promotional purposes.


b)      What actions are being proposed to attract more young people to the Palace Theatre to perform and to visit?


A large scale youth theatre, to be run in partnership with a London project, had been proposed to take place at the Theatre. There also existed plans to involve considerably more disabled young people in Theatre-based youth productions.


The Council was looking to attract an external dance choreographer to work with the youth theatre to help increase youth participation.


Members commented that more could be done to attract young people to the Theatre to both visit and to perform. It was suggested that providing discounted Palace Theatre tickets to local schools should be considered as part of this process.


c)      What plans are in place to meet financial targets?


The running costs for the Council’s visitor destinations had been included within the Council’s agreed budget for 2011/12. Any significant changes would require approval via the formal committee process.


The Council was hoping to increase its profit margins at the Palace Theatre through increased attendance figures and more effective procurement. A new manager of the Palace theatre would also be expected to consider how increased revenue could be generated through food and drinks sales.


An income generation plan had been developed for the Council’s sports venues and was being monitored on a monthly basis. The introduction of a play area and themed birthday parties was helping to deliver increased revenue at the ForgeMill NeedleMuseum.


d)     What plans are in place to replace the Play Rangers service?


Funding for the Play Rangers service was due to cease on 31st March 2011. Worcestershire County Council was currently reviewing its services for young peoples’ leisure activities. 


e)      What success has the Learn Direct service that replaced the REDI Centre had so far to date?


Members were informed that the introduction of the Learn Direct service had been well received by local users. Positive feedback had been received regarding the new centre and learner numbers had increased by eighteen per cent since the switch from the REDI Centre. A customer satisfaction survey was soon to be undertaken to further inform the Council on how the Learn Direct service had been received by local users.


f)      What problems do you foresee in the future for your service area?


The Portfolio Holder identified a number of challenges that needed to be overcome. This included delivering on the health agenda and providing sufficient sport and leisure provision.  The Council was also working to attract English Heritage funding to support Bordesley Abbey.


Concern was raised that the Council currently possessed a lack of sports coaches and volunteers to deliver its services. Members were informed that the Council had struggled to attract more sufficiently qualified sports coaches who might be available to provide after school services.


The Chair thanked Councillor Hopkins and relevant Officers for the annual report.




the report be noted.


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