Agenda item

Suggested items for Scrutiny

To consider the list of topics for scrutiny suggested during the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Afternoon on Friday the 20th June 2008 and to prioritise items for further consideration by the Committee.


(Report attached)



The Committee considered a report which detailed the various ideas for scrutiny that had been suggested by Members during the Work Programme Planning Afternoon.  Members considered each suggestion in turn and discussed possible action for each item. 

Members agreed that item 1 (adult participation in sport) and item 10 (improving the health of people in Redditch) should not be pursued by the Committee at this time.  Instead, the Committee agreed that the proposer of item 10, Councillor Banks, in her role as the Council’s representative on the County’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, should suggest this item for consideration at the County Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  Members agreed that Councillor Banks should report back to the Redditch Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the autumn if no progress had been made there.  In that event, a scrutiny exercise, combining the scope of both items 1 and 10, would be launched by the Committee, to be chaired by Councillor Banks.


The Committee agreed that item 2 (the Borough’s carbon footprint), was an issue that had been considered by the Environment Advisory Panel, and that it was therefore not necessary to undertake a separate review of this issue.

Members agreed that, as Councillor Chalk would be engaged on another scrutiny exercise, consideration of the scrutiny exercise he suggested, number 3 on the list (communication), could be deferred.


Members discussed item 7 (Housing Mutual Exchange).  The proposer of this item, Councillor Smith, explained that he had completed a scoping document for this item, which was due for consideration at the following meeting of the Committee.  Members therefore agreed that this exercise should be considered by the parent O&S Committee and that the item should be chaired by Councillor Smith. 


Members discussed item 5 (Fishing Tackle Heritage).  Members agreed that, as Councillor Smith had expressed an interest in this item, it should be pursued as a scrutiny exercise when the Housing Mutual Exchange item had been completed so that he would be available to Chair the Group. 


Items 9 and 11, both relating to the improvement of public transport in the town, were discussed by the Committee.  Members agreed that these two items should be merged into one scrutiny exercise and that Councillor Taylor should chair the review.  The Chair proposed that Councillor Taylor meet with Officers to complete a scoping document that could be considered by the Committee at a later meeting in the year.   


Members considered item 13 (communal areas around Council Flat properties).  The Committee agreed that this issue should be tackled by a Task and Finish Group and that Councillor Mould should chair this exercise. 


Members recognised that it would be difficult to undertake all of the scrutiny exercises that had been proposed at the same time.  Members noted that Member availability and the capacity of Officers to facilitate numerous reviews might mean that not all of the proposed scrutiny exercises discussed would take place. 



the report be noted; and the future work programme developed in accordance with the outcomes of the discussion as recorded in the preamble above. 



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