Agenda item

Planning Application 2011/019/FUL - Land at former Mayfields Works, The Mayfields, Redditch

To consider a Planning Application for a residential development of 23 apartments and associated landscaping.


Applicant:  Mr A Coupe


(Report attached – Site Plan under separate cover)



Residential development of 23 apartments

and associated landscaping


Applicant:  Mr A Coupe


Mr R Ranford, Agent for the Applicant, addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules.




1.                  having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to GRANT planning permission subject to:


a)           a planning obligation ensuring that the five units are for the provision of social housing in perpetuity; that the County Council is paid appropriate contributions in relation to the provision of education facilities in the locality; that the Council is paid appropriate contributions in relation to the development for pitches, play areas and open space provision in the locality to be provided and maintained; and any future minor changes required to the content be carried out as necessary by Officers; and

b)           conditions and informatives as summarised below:




1.                  Time limit for commencement of development

2.                  Materials to be agreed and implemented

3.                  Landscaping details to be agreed and implemented

4.                  Boundary treatments to be agreed and implemented (including retention of existing)

5.                  Refuse compound details to be agreed and implemented prior to occupation

6.                  Hard surfacing details to be porous and agreed

7.                  Sustainable standard to be agreed and implemented

8.                  As requested by Highways

9.                  As requested by Environmental Health

10.             Secured by Design

11.             Drainage details as requested by Severn Trent Water

12.             Approved plans specified




1.                  Reason for approval

2.                  As requested by Environmental Health

3.                  As requested by Highways

4.                  Secured by Design

5.                  As requested by Severn Trent Water”;



2.         a)         in the event that the planning obligation cannot be completed by 3rd June 2011,  authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to refuse the application on the basis that, without the Planning Obligation the proposed development would be contrary to Policy and therefore unacceptable owing to the resultant detrimental impacts it could cause to community infrastructure by a lack of provision for their improvements, and that none of the dwellings could be restricted to use for affordable housing in line with current policy requirements; and


Ailth – I’ve changed “Officers” to Head of Planning and Regeneration as per the norm for the delegation wording - OK ?


            b)        in the event of a refusal on the grounds as stated in 2 a) above and the Applicant resubmitting the same or a very similar planning application with a completed legal agreement attached, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to GRANT planning permission, subject to the conditions and informatives stated in 1 b) above.


(Prior to discussing this matter, the Applicant’s Agent had clarified with the Chair that, confidential information submitted with the Planning Application, and issued to Members following their request at the previous Planning Committee meeting, in relation to the economic un-viability of providing the required social housing to meet Policy requirements, was no longer confidential and could be discussed in open session if Members wished to make reference to it. 


In relation to the proposed date for completing the required Planning Obligation (5th May 2011), and having taken advice from Officers present, the Committee agreed that, in view of delays on the part of the Council and further additional delays due to the extended Bank Holiday arrangements, the completion date for the planning obligation be changed to 3rd June 2011, as amended in Recommendation 2 a) above, to allow the Applicant’s Solicitors to finalise the necessary documentation.)


(Councillor Hicks, having missed the commencement of the Officer’s report, withdrew and did not participate in discussions or vote on this particular Planning Application.)


Supporting documents: