Agenda item

Work Experience Task and Finish Group - Final Report

To consider the final report of the Work Experience Task and Finish Group.


(Report attached).


The Committee received the Work Experience Task and Finish Group’s final report for consideration. The Chair of the Group, Councillor Peter Anderson, presented the report to the Committee on behalf of the Task and Finish Group.


It was noted at the outset that the reality of the situation, as it became apparent to the Members engaged upon the review, had led to a change in emphasis and direction from that set out in the original scoping document. This was largely dictated by national factors outside of local or regional control.


The Committee were provided with a summary of the work undertaken by the Group. Members were informed that evidence had been gathered from a number of sources, the principal of these being the Worcestershire Education Business Partnership (WEBP), work experience coordinators from local schools, Forward Consortium, representatives of Connexions and local students. The main finding from the review was that work experience opportunities for school students in Redditch should continue whether or not the provision of these opportunities ceased to be mandatory.


The Group had been very impressed by the work of the WEBP which was considered to be one of the best of its kind in the country. The staff of the Partnership were regarded as highly skilled and motivated and the opportunities and support offered to young people were considered to be of great benefit to those involved in the scheme. Evidence from school work experience coordinators indicated very high take up of work placements in Redditch.


Concern was expressed that recent proposals at the national level would lead to diminishing work experience opportunities and a corresponding rise in those neither in education, employment and training (NEET). The raising of the school participation age in 2013 and 2015 was considered to be an inadequate response to the problem of those designated as NEET in that it was seeking to address the problem at too late a stage in the students’ schooling.


It was acknowledged that the actions recommended were not directly within the power of the Council to influence but the Group was keen that influence should be brought to bear on those organisations who had responsibility in the areas where issues had been identified. To this extent, the Chair of the Group expressed his concern that the scope of the present report was too narrow.


Other Members of the Group who were present, Councillors Andy Fry and Mark Shurmer, supported and reiterated the points set out within the report and recognition was given to the Officer support provided by Michael Craggs.




1)                 the current work experience scheme, which provides work experience opportunities for 14 and 15 year olds at Key Stage 4 at school, should be continued locally;


2)                 Worcestershire County Council should plan immediately for an increased number of pupils at schools across the County due to the raising of the participation age in 2013 and 2015;


3)                 the continued function of the Worcestershire Education Business Partnership should be supported by the Council;


4)                 a greater number of local employers should show a commitment to visit schools in Redditch to provide presentations on life in the workplace; and


5)                 there should be a central RBC Officer point of contact for schools to arrange work experience placements at Redditch Borough Council.


Supporting documents: