Agenda item

External Refurbishment of Housing Stock - Action Update Report

To consider an Action Update report concerning a number of additional actions requested by the Executive Committee in relation to the work of the External Refurbishment of Housing Stock Short, Sharp Review Group.


(Report attached).


The Committee received a report containing an update on a number of additional actions requested by the Executive Committee in January 2011 in relation to the work of the External Refurbishment of Housing Stock Short, Sharp Review that was completed in December 2010. Officers provided an update on each of the three recommendations.


Regarding recommendation 2, Members were informed that the lintels on a block of 12 garages in Rushock Close had been painted as part of a trial. Photographic evidence was provided to illustrate the improvement to the appearance of the garages. However, no budget was currently in place for extending this work to the remaining garages on both Rushock Close and Ombersley Close.


There was general support amongst committee members for the inclusion of the works for painting garage lintels in the capital programme.  However, Members concurred that it was important to establish at what stage in the 30 year capital programme these works would be undertaken.  Indeed, preference was expressed for this work to be completed in the first few years of the programme.


In relation to recommendation 4, Officers undertook a review on the maintenance of small strips of land located close to private properties and public spaces in Woodrow. Officers felt that the majority of strips of land in the area were already being effectively maintained by Council Officers.


Regarding recommendation 10, Members were informed that a consultation with Council tenants and owner occupiers to find out whether they would support repainting of the pebbledash properties on Ombersley Close and Rushock Close had been added to the Housing Services’ consultation plan that was to commence in March 2012.


Figures tabled during the meeting indicated that the works requested by the group, to redecorate the pebbledash facades of Ombersley Close and Rushock Close, could be delivered at a cost of £218,443.00.  These works could apply to a total of 85 properties located in these closes including 35 council properties and 49 owner occupied properties.    However, there was currently no budget available for repairing and repainting the rough case on all applicable properties if this was to be requested by residents.


The Committee noted the considerable financial costs involved in undertaking the suggested works.  Members commented, though, that the mood and atmosphere of the areas concerned would be lifted if the appearance of the properties was enhanced. It was also understood that many residents were in favour of any improvement work taking place.  Therefore, Members suggested that further work should be undertaken to identify improvement works that could be completed at a lower financial cost to the Council on the properties.




Members agreed to defer further consideration of the report and requested that the following actions be taken prior to reconsideration:


1)     Members of the Greenlands ward be personally consulted over Officers’ proposals;


2)     Officers provide an estimate of the time during the Capital Programme when the lintels located on garages could be decorated; and


3)     Officers to investigate alternative and less expensive methods for decorating the pebbledash facades of the houses located on Ombersley Close and Rushock Close.






Supporting documents: