Agenda item

Scrutiny Topics - Brainstorm

To brainstorm topics for scrutiny by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Task and Finish Groups and / or Short, Sharp Review Groups during the year.


(Oral report)


The Committee undertook a brainstorming session to identify suitable subjects for scrutiny in 2011/12.  The following topics were proposed:   


a)           Provision of Youth Services


Members proposed that a Task and Finish Review be undertaken into the provision of youth services for young people in Redditch. It was felt that action should be taken to mitigate the affects of potential funding cuts at Worcestershire County Council to youth services. The Committee agreed that no scoping document should be submitted for the consideration of members on this subject until a meeting had taken place to discuss youth issues with the Worcestershire County Council Cabinet Member with responsibility for Children and Young People’s Social Care, Councillor Elizabeth Eyre, later in the summer.  The committee agreed that if launched, the review would be led by Councillor Simon Chalk.


b)           Young People in Sport


On a similar theme, it was suggested that a review be undertaken into opportunities for young people to participate in sporting activities in Redditch. It was felt that this topic was particularly timely given the forthcoming 2012 Olympics in London. It was agreed that this subject would be suitable for a Short, Sharp Review. Members agreed that, if launched, the review would be led by Councillor Luke Stephens.


c)            Energy Consumption


The Committee discussed a proposal to review energy consumption and ways to encourage greater energy efficiency. Councillor Anderson, who proposed the review, requested time to undertake independent research before submitting a scoping document on the subject.


d)           Improving recycling


t was also proposed that a Short, Sharp Review be undertaken into Identifying ways to improve recycling rates in Redditch.  Relevant officers were praised for the work that was already undertaken to encourage recycling.  However, the Committee agreed that further progress could to be made to increase recycling rates across the Borough and that this review would correspond with a number of the Council’s priorities. Members concurred that if launched, the review would be led by Councillor Gay Hopkins.


e)           Equalities and Diversity


The Committee also discussed a proposed equalities and diversity review, focusing on staff employed at the Council.  It was agreed that this review would encompass consideration of age, ethnicity, gender and disabilities in relation to recruitment and career progression within the organisation.


However, the Committee recognised that due to the ongoing Shared Services Programme both the Council’s Human Resources and the Unions might not have the capacity to support the review at this stage.  Therefore it was agreed that the proposal would be reconsidered later in the municipal year.


f)              Members’ IT provision


The Committee discussed the possibility of reviewing IT provision to Members, though discounted the topics as a suitable subject for scrutiny. However, Members expressed concerns about the removal of the courier service for the delivery of Members’ post.  The Committee suggested that improvements first needed to be made to Members’ IT support to ensure that Council papers could be accessed effectively by members in an electronic format.  Members also questioned the environmental impact that would result from the withdrawal of the courier and the requirement for Councillors to collect their papers from the Town Hall.




relevant Members and Officers meet to develop scoping documents for the proposed reviews for consideration at forthcoming meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.