Agenda item

Task & Finish Reviews - Draft Scoping Documents

To consider any scoping documents provided for possible Overview and Scrutiny review.

The following reviews have been proposed for the Committee’s consideration:

a)           Phone Masts Short, Sharp Review – Councillor M Chalk

b)           Promoting Sporting Participation Task and Finish Group – Councillor L Stephens

c)            Youth Service Provision Task and Finish Group – Councillor S Chalk


(Reports attached and available separately)



The Committee considered three draft scoping documents.


a)           Phone Masts


Councillor Michael Chalk attended the meeting to present a proposal to review the process for installing phone masts within the Borough.


Councillor Chalk explained that as the Chair of the Planning Committee and as a ward councillor he was aware that the installation of phone masts within the Borough was a subject of interest to the public.  He expressed the view that there was a lack of understanding amongst residents about national requirements and the procedures that the Council followed.  The overarching aim of the proposed review would be to identify how this procedure could be more effectively communicated to the public.


Officers explained that in previous years a local policy in relation to the installation of phone masts had been included in the Local Plan 3.  However, in response to national guidelines this policy had been removed.  Consequently, the Council’s procedure was informed by national policies and legislation. 


Applications for phone masts were considered in a different manner to other planning applications by the local authority.  The Council could only influence the siting and design of a phone mast.  As part of the process for considering suitable sites for phone masts national guidelines in relation to the health implications of phone masts were adhered to.  The Council did not determine the number of phone masts necessary in any given area.  Instead, telecommunications companies provided estimates of the number of phone masts that would be required in future years, based on projections about demand for the use of the service. 


The Committee discussed the proposed review.  Concerns were expressed about the review, as members suggested that it would be difficult for a Task and Finish Group to make any proposals that could change a process informed by national guidelines.  However, the Committee noted that many Members were unfamiliar with the process and it was possible that more action could be taken to better communicate the procedure for the installation of phone masts to both Members and residents 


Consequently, Members agreed that written guidance relating to the national policy should be circulated for the consideration of all Members.  The topic could then be referred to the Planning Advisory Panel, which had the expertise to consider the subject in further detail effectively.


b)           Promoting Sporting Participation


Councillor Luke Stephens presented a proposal to review appropriate ways to promote greater participation in sporting activities in the Borough.


Councillor Stephens informed members that the aim of the review was to encourage local residents, particularly though not exclusively young people, to participate in sporting activities in Redditch.  There were numerous opportunities available within the Borough but unfortunately fewer than 21 per cent of adults participated in sporting activities on a regular basis. 


Members agreed that this subject represented a suitable topic for scrutiny and that the review should be completed in two stages.  The first stage would focus on the London Olympics and actions that could be taken in 2012 to encourage an increase in sporting participation through specifically Olympics themed events.  The second stage would focus on actions that could be taken to promote sporting participation in the long-term.


c)            Youth Service Provision


Councillor Simon Chalk presented a proposal to review the provision of youth services within the Borough.


Councillor Chalk explained that the focus of the review would be on options for delivering services to young people living in the Borough in future years.  He advised Members that he was keen to investigate the potential for local third sector and private sector organisations to either deliver or provide assistance in the delivery of services suitable for young people.  The review would also consider actions that could be taken to more effectively communicate activities that were already available to young people in Redditch.  However, to avoid duplicating the work of the sports participation review the subject of sporting activities would not be considered.


The Committee was advised that Worcestershire County Council was currently undertaking consultation, as outlined in the report Positive Activities for Young People, in relation to potential changes to youth service provision.  A number of options had been proposed by Worcestershire County Council for consideration as part of this consultation process, which was due to conclude in autumn 2011.  The Task and Finish Group would consider and respond to this consultation process as part of the review.


The Committee agreed that the review represented a suitable topic for scrutiny and concurred that the Student Council should be engaged during the course of the exercise.  Councillor Chalk advised Members that the Student Council had already been informed about the review and were keen to participate.


Members noted that a maximum of five members were generally appointed to Task and Finish Groups.  However, the Chair commented that there were some areas where the reviews of youth service provision and sporting participation could potentially overlap.  Therefore, subject to the approval of the political party group leaders, Members agreed that Councillors S Chalk and Stephens should be appointed as the sixth members of each review to ensure that the reviews would avoid duplication.




1)           current procedures regarding the installation of phone masts be circulated for Members’ consideration;;


2)           Members be asked to submit comments regarding the installation of phone masts to the Portfolio Holder for Planning, Regeneration, Economic Development and Transport;


3)           the subject of the installation of phone masts be referred to the Planning Advisory Panel for further consideration;


4)           a Task and Finish review of ways to promote sporting participation in the town be launched;


5)           Councillor Luke Stephens be appointed to Chair the Promoting Sports Participation Task and Finish Group;


6)           a Task and Finish review of the provision of youth services be launched; and


7)           Councillor Simon Chalk be appointed to Chair the Youth Service Provision Task and Finish Group.

Supporting documents: