Agenda item

Private Sector Home Support Service - Post-Scrutiny

To consider a report on the subject of the Private Sector Home Support Service that was introduced in early 2011.


(Report attached and presentation to follow).


The Committee considered an update on the delivery of the Home Support Service into the private sector for those eligible for Supporting People funding. 


Contracts had been awarded to different organisations across Worcestershire to deliver the Home Support Service, which was designed to enable people to live independent lives rather than to provide a care package.  Redditch Borough Council had been awarded a contract to deliver the support service in Redditch. 


The introduction of the service had been approved by the Executive Committee in February 2011.  37 hours per week of supporting people funding had been set aside for residents who were not Council tenants but who were eligible for the Home Support Service and supporting people funding.  Council tenants were eligible for supporting people funding if they had a need for the service and were in receipt of housing benefit.  Residents from the private sector were eligible for supporting people funding if they had a need for the service and were in receipt of guaranteed pension credit.


The hourly cost involved in delivering the service had been calculated as £14.16.   However, demand for the Home Support Service amongst customers varied over time.  Individual assessments were made and support plans created for each customer to ensure that the support s/he received suited his or her needs.


Following the introduction of the service in Redditch questions had been raised about the eligibility criteria for receiving the service.  In particular, the organisations which delivered the Home Support Service in other parts of the county did not restrict access for vulnerable private residents who were not in receipt of guaranteed pension credit.  Instead, these residents could pay a fee to receive the service.  There was some concern that the more restrictive eligibility criteria in Redditch might have a negative impact on the potential for the Council to retain the Redditch Home Support Service contract in the long-term.


The Committee welcomed the report and the principles behind Officers aims for the future development of the service.  Members commented that it was important to ensure that the eligibility criteria did not discriminate against residents living in the private sector.  Officers were also urged to ensure that, if eligibility to receive the service was extended, the service was promoted effectively to local residents.


However, concerns were expressed about the need for further clarification regarding the financial implications of delivering the service and the level of staff input into the process.  Members were advised that the scheme was financed utilising supporting people funding and that no funds were derived from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) to pay for the service.  It was agreed that this needed to be more explicitly stated within a wider business case for the process to enable the Executive Committee to make an informed decision about future arrangements for the service.




1)           the Home Support Service be extended to all eligible residents of the Borough regardless of tenure;


2)           the Council enable this service to be available to those who are not eligible for supporting people funding; and


3)           arrangements mirror other housing associations and extend the supporting people eligibility to those on Council tax benefit; and




1)           Officers produce a business case for the proposals detailed in the recommendations above incorporating further information about the financial implications of extending the service and the potential impact on staff resources;


2)           the Executive Committee be asked to postpone consideration of the recommendations detailed above until the Committee receives this business case later in the year; and


3)           the report be noted.



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