Agenda item

Urgent Business - Record of Decisions

To note the following decisions taken in accordance with the Council urgency procedures since the last meeting of the Council:


River Revetment Works – Old Forge Drive (Ref. 493)


An additional £36,000 was required to complete essential works at Old Forge Drive due to the following: -


1)                 Additional works at Site 1A

2)                 Additional erosion damage at Site 2


Any remaining shortfall for the river revetment works was to be found from existing budgets. The additional funding now required would have a seriously detrimental effect upon a wide range of services.


It has subsequently come to light, that Severn Trent Water Limited has now claimed title to the Callow Hill Balancing Area, which was subject to an improvement scheme within the 2011/12 Capital Programme. Officers believed this matter would not now be quickly resolved and in so doing, STW Ltd effectively had inherited liability. It was therefore proposed that a virement of funds from this Capital Scheme to fund the remaining shortfall at Old Forge Drive be undertaken, the remainder being returned as savings. Additionally, as a result of the Site 1A works at Old Forge Drive, an annual revenue expenditure for aeration at Old Forge Pool of £2,000 per annum will no longer be necessary with immediate effect, ensuring savings for many years hence. Due to the lateness of detailed costs being provided, and in the absence of full funding, a potential situation of Breach of Contract may have arisen with consequent additional costs.


It was therefore RESOLVED that


1)        £36,000 of the previous capital allocated to the Callow Hill Balancing Area scheme (for which a sum of up to £50,000 was allocated and which will now be deleted from the 2011/12 Capital programme) be transferred to fund the River Revetment Works – Old Forge Drive for the reasons set out, above;


2)        the remaining sum of £14,000 be transferred to Capital Balances/Reserves


(Council decision)


3)        authority be given for the savings and expenditure as detailed in 1) and 2), above, for the purposes detailed in the report.


(Executive decision)


(No separate report)


Transfer of Waste Heat between the Crematorium and the Abbey Stadium (Ref. 494)


Due to design enhancements and recognition of underspends within the total capital budget for the overall Crematorium project, it is requested that £58,000 be vired to enhance the waste heat element of the project (within overall budgets). This would ensure continuity of the Abbey Stadium work programme and enable the completion of the heat re-use system.




1)         £10,000 identified as unspent on the current capital budget allocated to the crematorium project,  together with £48,000 from the crematorium improvements allocation be vired to enhance the waste heat element of the project (within overall budgets);  and


(Council decision)


2)        authority be given for the expenditure as detailed in 1) above for the purposes detailed in the report.


(Executive decision)


(No separate report)


Appointment of Miss Jesbir Uppal as A Court Officer of the Council and to Delegate to her the Conduct of Legal Proceedings on Behalf of the Council

(Ref. 495)


The Legal Services Team has secured the services of a locum lawyer, Miss Jesbir Uppal, who needs to be appointed as an authorised officer to represent the Council in civil and criminal proceedings and to appear in Courts and Tribunals on its behalf.



Miss Jesbir Uppal be appointed
as an authorised officer to represent the Council in civil and criminal proceedings and to appear in Courts and Tribunals on its behalf.


(Council decision)


(No separate report)


The Council noted three Urgent Business decisions which had been approved in accordance with the Council’s urgency procedures, namely:


River Revetment Works – Old Forge Drive

(UB Reference 493);


Transfer of Waste Heat between the Crematorium and the Abbey Stadium

(UB Reference 494); and


Appointment of Miss Jesbir Uppal as a Court Officer of the Council and to Delegate to her the Conduct of Legal Proceedings on behalf of the Council.

(UB Reference 495).




the matters be noted.