Agenda item

Planning Application 2011/177/OUT - Land east of Brockhill Lane, Redditch

To consider a Planning Application for a mixed development of 171 dwellings, public open space and outline application for 4,738 square metres of Class B1 (Business) floorspace and access.


Applicant:  Persimmon Homes Ltd


(Report and Site Plan attached)



Mixed use development of 171 dwellings,

public open space and

outline application for 4,738 square metres

of Class B1 (Business) floorspace and access


Applicant:  Persimmon Homes Ltd


The following people addressed the Committee under the Council’s public speaking rules:


Mr R Lee                       -     Objector representing Brockhill Action Group

Mrs M Muckle              -     Objector representing Batchley Support Group

Miss V Kendrick          -     Objector representing CPRE – Redditch

Mrs King                       -     Objector representing CPRE – Bromsgrove

                                             and Wyre Forest

Mrs D Snaddon           -     Objector representing Rowney Green Association

Mr A MacPherson       -     Objector representing Mettis Aerospace

Cllr L Stephens           -     Ward Councillor and objector representing local residents

Mr M Sackett                -     Applicant’s Agent


In addition to the named registered speakers above, the Chair exceptionally allowed objectors, Dr P Merricks and Mr N Ahmed, local residents registered to speak who had withdrawn to allow Mr Lee to speak on their behalf, an opportunity to make brief representations to the Committee on points they considered had not yet been made by other speakers.  In view of the number of objectors permitted to speak, the applicant’s agent was allowed a commensurate length of time to express support for the application.


During the debate, The Chair also exceptionally allowed Mr B Sharp (a Worcestershire County Council Highway Engineer present at the meeting), to briefly respond to a number of Members; questions in relation to highways matters.




having regard to the Development Plan and to all other material considerations, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to GRANT planning permission subject to: 


1)         the completion of a Section 106 Planning Obligation to ensure


a)         on-site open space is provided and maintained in perpetuity;


b)        arrangements are put in place for a potential future contribution towards equipped play facilities to be paid to the Borough Council;


c)         74 residential units are provided for the provision of affordable housing in perpetuity;


d)        a financial contribution is paid to Worcestershire County Council towards the future provision of a school in the vicinity of the site; 


e)         provision of land for a community Orchard;


2)         the conditions and informatives as summarised in the man report; and


3)         the following additional conditions and informative:




            “20.     Protection of Hedgerows


              21.     Removal of Permitted Development rights relating to impervious hard standings.”




              7.       Request for earliest adoption of highways. “




4)         In the event that the Planning Obligation cannot be completed by
30th September 2011, authority be delegated to the Head of Planning and Regeneration to REFUSE the Application on the basis that, without the Planning Obligation, the proposed Development would be contrary to Policy and therefore unacceptable, due to the resultant detrimental impacts it could cause to community infrastructure by a lack of provision for their improvements, and that none of the dwellings could be restricted to use for affordable housing in line with current Policy requirements. 


(In considering the Planning Application and representations made by public speakers, the Committee acknowledged the importance of protecting historic hedgerows within the Application site and the need to secure permanent permeable hard standings on residential properties and agreed that two additional conditions be attached to the Planning Permission, as detailed in Resolution 3 above.  An additional informative relating to progressing formal highway adoptions as speedily as possible was also agreed. 


Officers clarified that matters Members had raised relating to protection of the primary open space, root protection of protected trees, watercourse details and the potential for a Community orchard, would be dealt with either under the standard conditions already specified or within the Planning Obligation.)

Supporting documents: