Agenda item

Housing and Homelessness Appeals Report - Officer Update

To consider the recommendations contained within the Housing and Homelessness Appeals Report produced by the Housing and Homelessness Appeals Task and Finish Group in March 2007 and to consider whether any further action is required.


(Report attached)


The Housing and Homelessness Appeals Review had been undertaken by Members of the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 2006 / 2007.  The Group had been tasked with scrutinising the Council’s two stage housing appeals process and the suitability of continuing Member involvement in that process.  The first stage of the housing appeals process was review by Officers.  The second stage of the Housing appeals process was review by Members at meetings of the Housing Appeals Committee.  Appellants could also appeal to Redditch Crown Court as part of the Housing and Homelessness Appeals process.  However, Members noted that this had rarely occurred at Redditch Borough Council.


The Housing and Homelessness Appeals Task and Finish Group had produced two recommendations: firstly, that the two-stage appeals process be retained, subject to further review concerning the impact of the choice-based lettings system upon the Housing and Homelessness appeals process at the end of 2007; and secondly, that all new Members be given training in the conduct of quasi-judicial meetings.


Officers explained that the Housing and Homelessness Appeals review had not been reviewed at the end of 2007 mainly because no housing or homelessness appeals had been considered by the Housing Appeals Committee in 2007.  Two Homelessness Appeals had subsequently been considered by the Housing Appeals Committee in June 2008.  Prior to that date the Housing Appeals Committee had not been convened to consider any homelessness appeals since September 2006 and had not considered any housing appeals since August 2006.


Officers explained that all new Members were offered training in the conduct of quasi-judicial training as the need arose.  In addition, Members received specific further training for working on specific quasi-judicial Committees.  External training was provided for members of the Licensing and Planning Committees.


The item had been added to the agenda for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to provide Members with an opportunity to reflect on the impact of the Choice-Based Lettings system on the Housing and Homelessness Appeals process.  Officers reported that the Housing and Homelessness Appeals item had also been added to the Committee agenda as part of the Council’s process for monitoring the impact of scrutiny reviews.


Officers reported that the introduction of the Choice Based Lettings system had impacted on the number of cases going through the housing and homelessness appeals process.  The majority of cases were being resolved by Officers either prior to or at the first stage appeals process.  The Council had also appointed a Special Needs Tenancy Officer and was therefore addressing a number of housing and homelessness needs before they reached the appeals stage.  Officers reported that the majority of customers had reported that they were satisfied with the service they had been provided.


Members discussed the Housing Appeals process that had been in place when the Council had had a Housing Management Sub-Committee (HMSC).  Members had represented constituents’ appeals cases before the Committee.  Under this system forty - fifty cases had frequently appeared before the Committee each year.  Members noted that a reduction from fifty cases per annum one or two a year represented a significant alteration.


Some concern was expressed that the two-stage process required individuals to present their own appeals before the Housing Appeals Committee.  Members noted that this might have deterred some people from utilising the second stage of the appeals process as they might have found the prospect of representing themselves at a Committee intimidating. 


Members expressed agreement that there remained a need for a housing appeals process.  The Committee agreed that on balance the two stage system was working well. 




the update report be noted; and




no alterations be made to the two stage Housing and Homelessness Appeals process.





Supporting documents: