Agenda item

Gritting and Snow Clearance - Redditch Borough Council Approach - Pre-Scrutiny

To pre-scrutinise the content of a report concerning Redditch Borough Council’s proposed contribution to gritting and snow clearance arrangements during inclement weather.


(Report attached)


The Committee received the Gritting and Snow Clearance – Redditch Borough Council’s Approach report for pre-scrutiny.


Members were advised that the report outlined existing practices at Redditch Borough Council which were implemented during periods of inclement weather.  The report had been produced to provide the Council with an opportunity to formalise this approach.  As part of this process the Council would continue to concentrate on providing snow clearance and gritting services at Council venues, such as the crematorium and cemeteries. 


Worcestershire County Council, rather than Redditch Borough Council, had responsibility for gritting and snow clearance on the town’s highways and for installing and replenishing grit bins situated on adopted highways.  The two local authorities in recent years had started to work closely together during periods of inclement weather to ensure that effective use was made of available resources and particularly problematic areas could be prioritised.


Redditch Borough Council was in the process of procuring specialist equipment to assist with snow clearance and gritting in the town.  This would include purchasing snow blades which could be fitted to existing vehicles used by the Council to assist with snow clearance.  The Council was anticipating that the equipment could be purchased at a cost of approximately £20,500.


Members praised the work of relevant Redditch Borough Council Officers during the inclement weather in the winter 2010/11.  This positive assessment of the work of Borough Officers had been endorsed by the Gritting Short, Sharp Review Group.  However, Members expressed disappointment with the gritting and snow clearance services that had been provided by Worcestershire County Council.  Members expressed concern that similar issues, that had been identified by the Gritting review group, did not appear to have been addressed in either the report or in a separate written submission to the Committee and it was questioned whether the problems that had been identified by the group would be acknowledged and addressed by Worcestershire County Council in future periods of inclement weather.


Officers explained that Worcestershire County Council and Redditch Borough Council both acknowledged that mistakes had been made the previous year and lessons had been learned.  As part of this process modifications had been made to Worcestershire County Council’s website to ensure that maps locating grit bins and demonstrating primary and secondary gritting routes could easily be accessed by the public.  Furthermore, the two Councils had determined that whilst Redditch Borough Council could only maintain a stock of 90 tonnes of salt, additional salt stocks could be obtained from Lydiate Ash or Alvechurch in emergency circumstances in future years.


Following consideration of the Gritting review group’s final report by the Executive Committee in May 2011 the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive had met with relevant representatives of Worcestershire County Council to discuss concerns raised in the report.  The need for collaborative working between the two Councils had been agreed.  Furthermore, constructive actions, such as the potential for County Officers to train Redditch Borough Council staff to drive snow clearance vehicles, had been discussed.  It had also been agreed that Redditch Borough Council’s communications team would co-ordinate communications in Redditch during periods of inclement weather to ensure that Councillors and residents were updated on action as well as ongoing risks.


In order to address the Committee’s remaining concerns it was suggested that a further meeting between relevant Officers from Redditch Borough Council and Worcestershire County Council should be organised.  Members suggested that this meeting should be regarded as an urgent priority and should take place as soon as possible prior to the beginning of winter.




1)           the following policy be adopted with regards to gritting and snow clearance:


Redditch Borough Council will strive to keep the following areas clear of snow and ice and safe to use:


a)           crematorium and cemeteries to allow funerals to continue;


b)           Redditch Borough Council staff car parks to ensure that there are suitable parking areas for Council staff who are getting into work to provide essential services;


c)           key Council sites like the Town Hall and district centres to assist local shops and businesses and enable residents to access services;


d)           gritting/snow clearance at other areas including Council sheltered accommodation will only be carried out subject to available resources; gritting/snow clearance at Council owned sheltered accommodation will be to allow the home Support Service Access to residents;


2)                 the Council will not provide grit bins on any highway land but may provide grit bins on its own land to enable gritting to take place – e.g. at leisure sites;


3)                 further publicity is undertaken to ensure that residents are aware of how the Council will deal with gritting/snow clearance and what to do when bad weather affects their waste collection service;


4)                 Officers purchase appropriate snow clearance and gritting equipment from within existing budgets; and


5)                 relevant Officers from Redditch Borough Council arrange a meeting with relevant Officers from Worcestershire County Council in advance of winter 2011/12 to discuss additional issues raised in the Gritting Short, Sharp Review Group’s final report and arrangements for gritting and snow clearance in Redditch for the winter.



Supporting documents: