Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Report - Community Safety and Regulatory Services

To receive an annual report from the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Regulatory Services, Councillor Juliet Brunner.


(Questions attached verbal report to follow).


Further to consideration of the Portfolio Holder for Community Safety and Regulatory Services written report at the meeting of this Committee on 18th October 2011 and members’ agreed questions to be put to the Portfolio Holder, Councillor Juliet Brunner, in respect of her Annual Report, the following responses were provided:


1)                 What affect will the cuts in Police numbers have on crime and disorder in Redditch?

Members were advised that West Mercia Police were still recruiting Police Officers but staffing implications for Redditch were still unclear and subject to an ongoing review.  A meeting had taken place between Councillors and the Assistant Chief Constable (ACC) to raise concerns about any reductions in relation to the potential effect on crime and disorder.  The ACC gave assurances that resources would be made available to tackle areas of highest need

2)                  What will the future provision of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) be in Redditch?

Members were informed that research and project work to identify savings within West Mercia Police was ongoing.  It is expected that Redditch is in a strong position to command a significant portion of the PCSO resources once these have been decided given that three of West Mercia’s priority policing areas are located in the Borough. Assurances had been given that every effort would be made to secure as many PCSOs for Redditch as possible.

3)                 To what extent have the location of CCTV cameras in Redditch been reviewed and. In particular, how possible would it be to relocate CCTV cameras from existing locations to areas of greater need, if considered necessary?

Existing camera locations had been individually assessed to ensure that landscaping (particularly tree growth) did not impact negatively.  Street lighting improvements had been carried out on Unicorn Hill and in Matchborough following assessment by CCTV that white lighting was required in those areas.

In areas where new development is proposed CCTV requirements will be reviewed at the planning stage.  E.g. Church Hill shopping centre.

A joint agency approach has been carried out for site evaluation of any suggested new sites for CCTV to facilitate identification of the most suitable and cost effective solution for that site.

Once enacted the ‘Protection of Freedoms Bill’ the Home Office will be required to publish a Code of Conduct for the use of CCTV to identify where CCTV cameras are to be installed in future.  Following this Code will provide an effective mechanism for the assessment of the Redditch CCTV scheme.

Members were advised that relocating existing CCTV cameras could be complex and dependent on the type of system in operation and the location and costs could vary greatly.  In future, use of wireless technology could assist in redeployment of cameras to identified ‘hotspots’ more easily.

4)                 What action, if any, is planned to address the noise caused to scrap metal dealers?  To what extent can this be addressed through the licensing processes?

Members were informed that, owing to the transient nature of the activity, it cannot be classed as a statutory nuisance as defined in the Environment Protection Act 1990 unless some form of loudspeaker was being used to amplify the bugle sound.  However, action could be taken if offenders were caught in the act of using loudspeakers.  Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) together with partners, including the police, would continue to carry out spot checks regarding safety of vehicles and trading provisions.

5)                 What will the implications of the introduction of directly elected police commissioners for community safety budgets?  What implications, if any, will there be for CCTV systems in the town?

Members were advised that the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) could impact on future resourcing of Community Safety Partnerships.  Funding regimes had already changed and Redditch would receive £56,068 in 2012/13 compared to £107,400 for 2011/12.  However, the reduction of funding was to be less severe in Redditch compared to many neighbouring areas due to needs based funding formula being introduced.

From 2013/14 funding for Community Safety Partnerships (CSP), Drug Intervention Programmes and the Violence Against Women and Girls would be transferred to the PCCs.  There would, however, be a mutual duty of cooperation between PCCs and CSPs when compiling Police and Crime Plan and CSP strategic assessments.

Funding for CCTV was not the direct responsibility of the West Mercia Police or the CSP. Therefore, the new PCC will not have a direct impaction on provision of the service.


A slide presentation was shown that highlighted the following projects:


·        Redditch Roadway Arts Project

·        Home Security Guide / Smart Water Initiative

·        Security Improvements at Beoley Grange and Winyates

·        Community Cohesion

·        Anti Social Behaviour

·        CCTV Accreditation




the report be noted.

Supporting documents: