Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2012/13

To consider the proposed fees and charges for 2012/13 for the Council’s chargeable services.


These fees and charges were approved at a meeting of the Executive Committee on 31st January 2012.


(Report attached)



The Committee considered the proposed fees and charges for 2012/13 for the Council’s chargeable services.  Reference was also made to the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on Tuesday 31st January 2012 which detailed the Committee’s decisions regarding fees and charges.


Officers had increased many of the fees and charges by 2.5 per cent, though there had been some variances.  In particular, a number of fees were set at a statutory level.  Attempts had been made, where possible, to round up the fees charged for particular services, though this had not always been considered appropriate.


There were a number of licensing fees which had not been increased when compared to the previous year.  A decision had been made to retain the same fees to ensure that, as legally required, the Council did not generate a profit from these charges.


The Committee suggested that clarification should be provided with regards to the timeframes for charging new fees for the Council’s allotments.  Residents would be interested to learn that these fees were set a year in advance as it would help allotment holders to calculate the charges they would need to pay. 




the report be noted.



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