Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Report - Portfolio for Community Leadership and Partnership - Councillor Carole Gandy

To receive the annual report from the Portfolio Holder for Community Leadership and Partnership.


(Report attached)



Further to consideration of the Portfolio Holder for Community Leadership and Partnership’s written report at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 6th March 2012 and Members’ agreed questions that were based on the report, Portfolio Holder Councillor Carole Gandy provided the following responses as part of her annual report.


1)                 As Portfolio Holder, what are you planning to do to help ensure that the Redditch Partnership remains adequately funded in future?

The Committee heard that the Redditch Partnership required an inconsiderable sum of money to help ensure it remained adequately funded. It already held a small amount of money in reserve. Members heard that the Partnership could turn to its partners in the event of needing greater funding, however this scenario was considered unlikely.

Members felt that the most significant issue relating to funding was to ensure that the permanent post of Redditch Partnership Manager continued to be fully funded.


2)                 Are there any plans to widen the successful use of focus group exercises, such as the Budget Jury, to provide direct public feedback to other areas of Council policy?

Members were advised that plans were being developed to hold a number of consultation events in the coming months on specific areas of Council business. This included an event to be held in the town centre in May 2012 to discuss the future of leisure services for young people. Plans were also in place to consult with young people at the Morton Stanley Festival in August.


Questions relating specifically to Redditch were now being included within the Worcestershire Viewpoint surveys. This had helped the Council to gather direct feedback regarding its services from residents in every Borough in the town.


Regarding the Budget Jury itself, the Committee was informed that it had successfully engaged more residents during 2011/12 than compared to previous years. The Council was continuing to invite more residents to become involved in the process. It was hoped that a Budget Jury session would be held to obtain residents thoughts about the Council’s landscaping plans.


3)                 Is there any flexibility for increasing the maximum size of a voluntary sector grant if, in particular instances, this increase could likely benefit a significant number of people?

As part of the Stronger Communities Grant, local voluntary and community groups are invited to bid for up to £500 to support local community initiatives. This is administered on a quarterly basis. Members were advised that any organisation / group that submitted a bid in excess of £500 would be informed that their bid did not meet the criteria for the grant.

In this event, the organisation / group could expect to be contacted by Council Officers who would provide a number of options, including an option to re-submit a new bid under the £500 limit. Officers could also either refer them to an alternative pot of funding or grant process at the Council. However, the Council would not be flexible in terms of increasing the £500 limit for applications to the Stronger Communities Grant. Members expressed their support for this policy.

The Committee also heard that the Council had received a number of funding applications from residents for holding local street parties to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee through the Stronger Communities Grant process. An article was to be submitted in the local newspapers to help clarify the bidding process.


4)                 Are there any plans to re-introduce the register of activities document which informs residents of what local community activities and events are to be held and whom they can contact to obtain more information?


Members heard that there were no plans to re-introduce this document due to the high costs involved with producing printed publications. Furthermore it was suggested that since production of the booklet was discontinued in the 1990s, a far greater percentage of people now preferred to access documentation online, especially through popular search engines such as Google. It was also commented that it is far easier to update information that is electronic.


It was therefore felt that it was more appropriate for the Council to promote and publicise its activities predominantly via the internet.

On behalf of the Committee, the Chair thanked the Portfolio Holder for her report.




the report be noted.

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