Agenda item


To note and accept the minutes of the following Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings:


·     Chairs’ Steering Committee meetings on Tuesday, the 23rd January 2007 and Monday, the 26th March, 2007.

·     Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings on Wednesday, the 17th January 2007, Monday, the 19th February 2007; Tuesday, the 27th February 2007 and Monday,  the19th March 2007.

·     Leisure, Tourism and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings on Wednesday, the 24th January 2007 and Tuesday, the 13th March 2007.

·     Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings on Tuesday, the 30th January 2007 and Wednesday, the 21st March 2007.


(Minutes attached)



As this was the first meeting of the new Overview and Scrutiny Committee, The Committee received copies of the outstanding minutes of the predecessor Overview and Scrutiny Committees.



1)         the minutes of the meetings of the Chairs’ Steering Committee held on the 23rd January and the 26th March 2007 be noted and accepted as correct records;

2)         the minutes of the meetings of the Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on the 17th January, the 19th February, the 27th February and the 19th March 2007 be noted and accepted as correct records;


3)         the minutes of the meetings of the Leisure, Tourism and Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on the 24th January and the 13th March 2007 be noted and accepted as correct records; and


4)         the minutes of the meetings of the Social Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on the 30th January and the 21stt March 2007 be noted and accepted as correct records.



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