To receive an annual update from the Chair of the Redditch Community Safety Partnership in response to the questions that were agreed by the Panel at the previous meeting.
(No separate report)
Members received the Annual Report from the Chair of the Redditch Community Safety Partnership which was provided in accordance with a list of questions that had been proposed at the previous meeting of the Panel.
(The Panel has been made aware that the Victim Support Scheme
provides invaluable support to victims and witnesses of crime).
What is the Community Safety Partnership doing to raise awareness
of the scheme in Redditch? Exactly what time of support is being
provided through the scheme?
It was explained to the Panel that the Community Safety Partnership
helps to raise awareness of Victim Support through its involvement
in a number of certain projects. Victim Support is a key partner in
the Joint Hate Incident Partnership, making and receiving referrals
from victims of hate crime or incidents. As part of the Hate
Incident Reporting Scheme, its local office is promoted as a
Community Reporting Centre. Victim Support also works closely with
the Community Safety Team through cross referrals to the Home
Security Project which offers support to victims of burglary and
attempted burglary.
Members were informed that all victims of personal crime are now
referred to Victim Support. Victims of the most serious types of
crime, including rape, sexual assault, domestic burglary, and
domestic abuse, are contacted within 48 hours of the crime taking
place. In North Worcestershire, an independently funded Serious
Crime Worker operates to offer further support to victims of crime.
Also, volunteers trained by Victim Support can provide emotional
and practical assistance to victims in Worcestershire.
Members heard that Victim Support operates an independent witness
service in every criminal court. This helps to put the victims and
witnesses at ease about attending court. For example, it is
explained to them what they can come to expect at court.
In Redditch, the team based at the Ecumenical Centre can undertake
home visits to victims upon request.
Nationally, a number of promotional campaigns, radio
advertisements, and fund raising events support the work of Victim
Support and help increase public awareness about the help it
provides to victims and witnesses of crime.
(The Panel is also aware and very much supportive of the Community
Payback Scheme in Redditch). How is the Partnership helping to
expand, improve, and further publicise the scheme in the
The Panel was informed that the Partnership is working closely with
probation partners to support and promote the use of the scheme.
However, much of this work is already done in-house by the
Probation Service which manages the scheme.
Elsewhere, the Partnership is represented on a Countrywide
Integrated Offender Management Group, a sub-group of the
Worcestershire Safer Communities Board, focusing on improving the
way that offenders are rehabilitated in Worcestershire. Central to
this work is improving the public image of the scheme.
Members heard that 8,716 hours of community payback had been
carried out in Redditch between April 2011 and February 2012, of
which 923 hours had been undertaken on behalf of the Borough
Council. It had also been undertaken at local charity shops, sports
clubs, churches, and schools.
In the West Mercia area, the Probation Trust recently moved to a
cost neutral model that prioritises projects that cover the costs
for the supervisor. The average cost for each project is £150
or equivalent in-kind contribution. Members heard that a
neighbouring local authority covered these costs in their
particular area. The Panel consequently requested the Chair of the
Partnership to feed this information back to the Partnership and to
ask that it consider making a contribution to these costs.
Regarding Community Payback, Members
queried whether there was sufficient demand for this scheme.
Officers replied that arranging Community Payback projects required
pre-planning and organisation and they were keen to facilitate
this; however in some instances the Council needed further
assistance to help manage and supervise certain schemes in
Members suggested that snow clearing during periods of inclement
weather would be an appropriate activity for the scheme.
Furthermore, it was felt that the Borough Council could benefit
from this work. However, the Panel was advised that there were a
number of health and safety issues involved. It would also be very
difficult to plan this activity in advance, although Officers
agreed to pass the Panel’s suggestion onto the relevant
Environmental Services Team.
3) (The Panel understands that members of the Community Safety Team have recently been trained to become specialist advisors on the prevention of crime). What benefits do you expect the Partnership, and Redditch in general, will accrue through this?
Members were referred to a number of important benefits that the Partnership and town in general might obtain. This included: better skills and knowledge to engage with Development Control and Development Plans to positively influence the design of new developments; and implanting crime reduction and community safety principles into development plans from the outset. However, it was explained that Officers cannot be called on as a statutory consultee in the planning applications as this remains the function of the Police Architectural Liaison Officers. Members felt that the West Mercia Police Authority should be asked to reconsider this and to recognise the Officers as official consultees. The Chair of the Partnership agreed to report this suggestion back.
The Panel heard that an accredited crime prevention design advice would likely be made available to non-residential buildings and environments, especially business and civic/community premises. Members heard that this was already taking place in certain locations within the Borough.
It was thought that there would be a greater chance that an in-house crime reduction advisory function could be introduced.
Finally, it was felt that the training itself was an important aspect of the Officers continued professional development which would benefit the Council, Partnership, and Borough as a whole.
In terms of future training opportunities for other members of the Community Safety Team, the Panel was advised that this would be facilitated wherever possible and resources permitting.
On behalf of the Panel, the Chair thanked Sue Hanley for her report.
the report be noted.