Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Chief Executive’s Announcements


c)         Leader’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


a)         Mayor


The Mayor’s communications and announcements were as follows:


i)          Former Mayor of the Borough, Ron Passingham


It was with great sadness that the Mayor advised the Council of the death over the previous weekend of former Councillor and Mayor of the Borough Ron Passingham. The Mayor paid tribute to former Councillor Passingham, noting that he had been a gentleman.


Understandably, given the very recent death of former Councillor Passingham, his family did not feel able to attend. Members of the Council were invited to offer up words they might wish to offer in memory of former Councillor Passingham and of his services to the Borough.


The Leader of the Council commenced the tributes to former Councillor Passingham, commenting that he had led a very full life, had been an active party member to the end and would be sadly missed by many people.


The Leader of the Minority Group then led other Members in expressing their thoughts on the character and achievements of former Councillor Passingham. It was suggested that his death was the end of an era, marking the passing of the last of the larger than life local political figures.


Members observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect and it was subsequently




the Council formally place on record its gratitude to former Councillor and Mayor of the Borough, Ron Passingham for his service to the Council and to the community.



ii)         Mayoral functions


The Mayor advised that since the previous meeting of the Council he had attended numerous engagements, including a Charity Variety Performance at Arrow Vale High School, the Olympic Torch Relay Evening at Worcestershire Cricket Club, a boat trip in Evesham with other Civic Heads, the recent Betty Passingham awards, a lunch engagement at Terryspring Court and the welcoming of the visitors from Auxerre.


iii)        Forthcoming engagements


The Mayor advised that forthcoming events included the opening of a new arts and crafts centre at the Old Needle Works, the Homecoming Parade for the Mercian Regiment, the Fly the Flag Day at the Town Hall, the Armed Forces Day Parade, the Bromsgrove Civic Service, Astwood Bank Carnival and the Britain in Bloom Judging Day.


iv)        Urgent business


The Mayor advised that he had not accepted any urgent items for this meeting. However, he had accepted late circulation of the minutes and accompanying report and decision from the meeting of the Executive Committee on 29th May 2012.


b)         Chief Executive


The Chief Executive had no announcements.


c)         Leader


The Leader’s announcements were as follows:


i)          Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations


The Leader advised the Council of a number of a Jubilee events that had taken place the previous weekend in the town and thanked organisations such as the local branch of The Lions Club for their efforts in organising these festivities.


ii)         EDL March


The Leader advised that he had written to the Chief Constable of the West Mercia Constabulary following the EDL March in late May to thank him and his officers for their assistance before and during this event. Other Members commented on and praised the dignified response of the local community to this event.


iii)        Chief Inspector Angie Burnet


The Leader informed the Council of the recent retirement of Chief Inspector Angie Burnet after many years service with the West Mercia Constabulary.


iv)        Halfords Tour Series Bike Race


The Leader was pleased to report the success of the Halfords Tour Series Bike Race that had taken place in the town the previous month. The town had received very good media coverage during the event and several thousand spectators had turned out to watch the race.