Agenda item

Motions on Notice

To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Bill Hartnett in accordance with Procedure Rule 11:


Worcestershire Joint Services Review.


(Motion attached)



A Notice of Motion had been submitted by Councillor Bill Hartnett in respect of the Worcestershire Joint Services Review. This was seconded by Councillor Carole Gandy.


In proposing this cross party motion, Councillor Hartnett in particular referred to the Accident and Emergency and Maternity services under threat at the Alexandra Hospital. Councillor Hartnett paid tribute to the work of the “Save the Alex” Campaign which had resulted in over 37,000 people signing a petition opposing the reduction in services. Reference was made to the increasing population of the Borough and to the age profile of the population. It was reported that Bromsgrove District Council had approved a similar Notice of Motion and there was to be a debate by Stratford on Avon District Council shortly.  Councillor Gandy seconded the Motion and referred to previous campaigns to protect services at the Hospital. Councillor Gandy made reference to the difficulties of accessing alternative hospitals and stressed the importance of residents writing to the Trusts and to their MPs to give their views.


The Notice of Motion was the subject of the following named vote in accordance with Procedure Rule 17.7:


Members voting FOR the motion:


Councillors Joe Baker, Roger Bennett, Rebecca Blake, Michael Braley, Juliet Brunner, David Bush, Greg Chance, Brandon Clayton, John Fisher, Andrew Fry, Carole Gandy, Adam Griffin, Bill Hartnett, Pattie Hill, Gay Hopkins, Wanda King, Alan Mason, Phil Mould, Brenda Quinney, Mark Shurmer, Yvonne Smith, Luke Stephens, Debbie Taylor, Derek Taylor and Pat Witherspoon.


Members voting AGAINST the motion:




Members ABSTAINING from voting:




It was consequently




the Motion be agreed in the following terms:

"This Council fully supports the community-led "Save the Alex" Campaign which is totally opposed to the closure of Accident & Emergency and Maternity services at the Alexandra Hospital.

It has been confirmed by Professor Rod Griffiths, the Independent Chair of The Joint Services Review Stakeholder Reference Board, at a public meeting on 21st June that the reason for the potential loss of services at the Alexandra Hospital is because going forward “we have a lot less money"

Encouraged by Professor Rod Griffiths’ statements, Council agrees to write to the Health Minister, Andrew Lansley MP, requesting that the shortfall of funding for Worcestershire NHS, said to be £200 Million over 4 years or approximately £1 Million per week (of which the acute hospitals share is £50 Million), is funded by Government, thus safeguarding all services in the County.

Also requesting the Minister receives a delegation of leaders from Redditch Borough Council, Bromsgrove District Council, Stratford-on Avon District Council and the "Save The Alex" campaign so that we can make our case.

Further, the Chief Executive, the Leader of the Council and the Leader of the Opposition are tasked to:-

(1) vigorously represent the Council's position to Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust (WAHT), Worcestershire Health Care Trust (WHCT) and Worcestershire NHS;

(2) pursue with all Worcestershire and Neighbouring NHS Trusts all alternative organisational strategies which will safeguard services in Redditch; and

(3) join with any campaigns which advance and promote the Council's position.”


Supporting documents: