To consider the 2011/12 quarter four performance tables for the Redditch Community Safety Partnership Framework and to propose recommendations for further action based on the report if deemed necessary.
(Reports attached)
The Panel received an overview of the 2011/12 quarter four performance tables for the Redditch Community Safety Partnership Framework. It was explained that the Framework had been developed as part of the Partnership’s remit to develop an annual strategic assessment. The Framework therefore had been operating as a rolling assessment and was split into the Partnership’s four priority areas: protecting communities; reducing re-offending and restorative justice; safer streets and places; and secure homes.
The Panel were led through the crime figures for each of the four priority areas:
Protecting Communities
The number of recorded offences within this priority area was generally mixed between the different crime types. There was, however, some concern over the rise in recorded offences for racially or religiously aggravated offences since the previous quarter and compared to the same point the year before. While it was thought that this could perhaps be attributed to some unrest in some of the minority ethnic communities, it was felt that the figures also suggested that there was increased confidence amongst affected residents in reporting these incidents to the police.
For forthcoming meetings, Members requested a further breakdown of hate crimes that had been reported to local authorities to enable them to develop a greater appreciation of any underlying trends. Officers explained that victims of crime would sometimes turn to their local authority if they felt unsure about going to the police, especially if they feel that there could be any repercussions. The Council can therefore help the victim where they can but are under legal obligation to refer any serious matters to the police.
In terms of rising figures for crimes with vulnerable adult interest marker, the Panel heard that a new specific group had been set up to focus on this and to help ensure that, not only were the figures reduced, but that no appalling cases that had occurred in other parts of the country would also take place in Redditch.
Regarding the highlights under this priority area, Members heard that Operation STAYSAFE was working successfully in terms of keeping vulnerable young people safe from harm.
Reducing Re-offending and Restorative Justice
Again, the crime figures for this priority area were generally mixed. The Partnership was obligated to look at this area of crime hence it was one of the four partnership priority areas.
Officers understood that a ‘unique offence’ referred to a crime committed by a first-time offender, although clarification on its exact definition would be provided for Members information.
Responding to Members concern that there was a consistent number of offenders who committed four or more offences in twelve months, Officers explained that a Prolific Offenders Group had been set up to address this.
Safer Streets and Places
Crime figures under this partnership priority area were generally improving compared to the same quarter in 2010/11, although criminal damage figures were consistently worsening each quarter. This was part attributed to the large open design of the town. A local tasking group had recently been established to tackle this ongoing problem.
Under the associated projects, Officers informed the Panel that they were finding it difficult to obtain data, particularly from the health service, which would explain exactly where incidents alcohol related violence was taking place. Members felt it was crucial that the police had the necessary information on incidents of crime that were taking place in the hospital setting for them to identify patterns, although it was reported that data sharing was slowly improving.
Elsewhere, Members requested that a more detailed breakdown of figures under interpersonal violence and criminal damage be provided at forthcoming meetings.
Secure Homes
Members again expressed concern about the criminal damage figures having noted that these were consistently higher quarter on quarter compared to the previous year. Elsewhere, figures were lower under this priority area.
In terms of the highlights, the Panel was informed that there had been a substantial increase in referrals for the Home Security Project during 2011/12. Also, the Community Safety and Housing teams were working together to secure communal entrances in multi-occupied blocks, with a new project forthcoming in Batchley. This scheme applied to both Council and private properties.
Moving forward, the Panel heard that the shadow North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership were still to agree how crime data would be presented in future as it was still in the process of developing its strategic assessment, although it was anticipated that separate action plans would be created for each of the three districts and that issues and data would continue to be specific to each area.
However, it was uncertain to what extent future funding and structure changes following the election of the Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) would impact on crime data collecting and priority setting. It was commented that the more local community safety partnerships worked together along shared priorities, the more likely that the PCC would commission funding to support this when elected.
1) Officers provide a detailed breakdown of the hate crime reports that had been received by the Council for future meetings; and
2) the report be noted.
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