Agenda item

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Task and Finish Group Report

To consider the final report from the Decriminalised Parking Enforcement Task and Finish Group and the outcome of the public consultation exercise.

(Report attached)



Councillor Thomas provided an oral report to Members about the Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement Task and Finish Group. 


Members were informed that this Task and Finish Group exercise had initially been established by the Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee in 2005 but had not actively investigated the possibility of introducing Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement in Redditch until the following year. 


In 2006/07 the Task and Finish Group had investigated existing parking enforcement arrangements.  Members were informed that as part of the exercise contact had been made with other local authorities in Worcestershire.  Wychavon District Council had offered to operate the Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement scheme for Redditch and had offered to finance 50 per cent of the costs. Worcestershire County council had offered to finance the remaining 50 per cent of the costs for the first two years.  It was noted that the scheme was expected to become self-financing within the first few years and that minimal risks would be incurred by Redditch Borough Council if the scheme was approved.


At the end of the municipal year the members of the Task and Finish Group had been divided over the most appropriate action to take. A report was produced and sent to Members but the recommendations were not recorded in the report or endorsed by the Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  On the 28th of March 2007 the issue was considered by the Executive Committee and the decision was made to postpone a decision until a period of public consultation had been completed by the Council.


Members were informed that the report attached to their agenda summarised the outcome of this period of consultation.  Of the 128 replies received during the consultation, 101 (79%) had been in favour of implementing the scheme. 


Members queried the role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in the resolution of this issue.  Officers informed Members that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee needed to consider whether to endorse both the list of recommendations that had not been fully addressed by the Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee and whether to approve the introduction of Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement in Redditch.


Members discussed the contents of the report and questioned whether the arrangements with Wychavon District Council and Worcestershire County Council would still be available.  Officers informed Members that both offers were still valid.  Some Members queried the possibility of delegating powers to Police Community Support Officers (CSOs) in the enforcement of parking measures in the Borough.  Officers reported that the consultation with the Police had taken place as part of the Task and Finish Group exercise.  Members were informed that the Police did not currently prioritise parking enforcement and had encouraged the Environmental Overview and Scrutiny Committee to recommend Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement.  Officers confirmed that the potential role of Community Support Officers had not been investigated and promised to address this issue.





subject to Officers clarifying the potential role of Community Support Officers (CSOs) in the enforcement of parking measures within the Borough


1)         the conclusions and recommendations from the Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement Report (March 2007) be endorsed; and


2)         Redditch Borough Council introduce Civil (Decriminalised) Parking Enforcement in partnership with Wychavon District Council.


Supporting documents: