Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Reports – Councillor Hall Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism providing a brief overview of the Portfolio followed by a wider question and answer session.

(Oral report)



Councillor Hall gave his Portfolio Holder report to the Committee, illustrated by a Powerpoint presentation.

Councillor Hall referred to the four themes that Members of the Committee had asked him to cover in his Annual Report.  He informed Members that he felt that the responsibilities of the Portfolio Holders had not been clearly defined.  He explained to Members that he did not have explicit control over budgets and resources within the remit of his portfolio.  However, he added that the services within the remit of his portfolio were largely discretionary and therefore had significant resource and financial implications for the Council.


Councillor Hall explained that he met regularly with senior Officers who deliver the services within the remit of his portfolio.  Councillor Hall informed Members that he had met with Officers to discuss an annual event that would celebrate the Paolozzi mosaics in the Kingfisher Shopping Centre.  He explained that this event would be held at a minimal cost to the Council and that a variety of activities would be organised to mark the occasion.  He added that he was interested in introducing a calendar of the Paolozzi mosaics, and that any money raised through selling the calendars would be invested in the Arts.


Councillor Hall explained that as Chair of the Leisure Contracts Advisory Panel he had been involved in reviewing the development of the Abbey Stadium.  He informed Members that he was enthusiastic about the development of the Stadium and was encouraging Officers to ensure that it had both a “fun pool” and an eight lane pool suitable for competitions.  He added that he had been encouraging Officers to investigate options for a “virtual room”, where visitors would be able to use the latest computer equipment. 


Councillor Hall advised that he had recently visited the Kingsley, Arrow Vale sports facilities and Hewell Road Pool.  He noted that there would be capital investment to improve the facilities.  He added that Officers had made a bid for funding to invest in an adventure playground at Morton StanleyPark.  He explained that the money would also be invested in Play Rangers who would support activities for adolescents based within the town.


Councillor Hall explained that Officers would be introducing improved signage at the Forge MillMuseum.  He informed Members that Officers were investigating changes to the displays inside the Mill and that Officers would be introducing a café within the grounds of the museum.  He added that the Council was investigating opportunities to enable more performances to take place within the grounds.


Councillor Hall informed Members that he was concerned that the Countryside Centre at Arrow ValleyPark was in need of some improvement, particularly the cafeteria and toilet facilities.  He explained to Members that Officers would be investigating options for improvement.


Councillor Hall informed Members that he had liaised with the former Head of Economic Development, before she left the Borough Council.  He explained that since this Officer had left the Council, she had not been replaced.  Members agreed that further work needed to be undertaken by the Council to address the needs of Economic Development.


Councillor Hall was asked to explain what decision-making powers, if any, he believed should be granted to Portfolio Holders.  Councillor Hall commented that Portfolio Holders should continue to have no, or limited, influence over spending.  He suggested instead that Portfolio Holders could influence budget spending and that senior Officers should be required to liaise with relevant Portfolio Holders more routinely over spending and other decisions.


The Chair thanked Councillor Hall for his presentation.




the Committee note the contents of this report, all as detailed in the preamble above.


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