Agenda item

North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership Performance Framework - Redditch

To consider the performance tables for the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership Framework for Redditch from between July 2011 and July 2012 and to propose recommendations for further action based on the report if deemed necessary.


(Documents attached)



The Panel considered the draft Community Safety Performance Framework for Redditch. The information provided would be reflected in the Safer Communities Board performance report which included county-wide figures.

Members heard that the framework’s main themes and indicators had been selected by the Integrated Offender Management (IOM) Group.


Officers provided a verbal summary of the data under each theme. In particular, the following matters were raised:


-          Members felt that reducing re-offending was a significant challenge for the Partnership. Offices acknowledged this and commented that it tended to be prolific offenders who disproportionately affected the overall figures.


-          Officers confirmed that the Community Safety Partnership had been asked to consider other methods for measuring the prevalence of community payback in Redditch.


-          Members queried whether the significant decrease of recorded figures for environmental and personal anti-social behaviour (ASB) was due in part to the way in which these crimes were recorded. Officers acknowledged that this was a possibility. However, it was explained that very specific distinction has since been introduced to determine which form of offence had been committed.


-          Following concern being raised about an increase in alcohol-related recorded crimes in Redditch, Officers confirmed that an error had been made in the way this figure had been reached. Clarification would be provided to Members on the correct figure once this was available.


-          Officers clarified that a fifty per cent increase in Sexuality Hate Crime was an increase from two crimes committed during this period to three.


-          Members were very pleased with the significant reduction in Night-Time Entertainment (NTE) recorded crime. This was due a number of contributing factors, including the installation of improved CCTV at late night venues in the town centre.


-          A Member suggested that ‘Shoplifting’ should instead be classified as ‘Theft’.


-          It was felt that ‘Arson’ and ‘Deliberate Fires’ were essentially the same form of offence. Furthermore, there was some surprise that the figures included within the report were so low given the spate of bin fires within particular areas of the Borough. Officers therefore agreed to check the origin of the data for their accuracy. 


It was explained that, unless any breakdown figures for specific areas of crime was requested by Members, future performance information for Redditch could be made publicly available.

Criminal Damage


As requested at the previous meeting, Members were provided with a comprehensive report detailing criminal damage in Redditch. This included: a full definition of ‘criminal damage’, including the different types of criminal damage offences; trends in the Borough; figures between 1st April and 31st July 2012 for each ward; and total criminal damage to types of building.


Members heard that criminal damage in Redditch was very steadily declining. They were also informed that criminal damage to a vehicle was the most prevalent type of offence within this crime type. However, it was very difficult to implement preventative measures as a deterrent as this was typically an instinctive offence.


There was some concern regarding the number of offences against schools. Officers thought that the limited surveillance of some buildings outside of school hours could be a contributing factor. 


The Panel heard that the Partnership provided advice on what people could do to prevent criminal damage being caused on buildings. This was usually a lengthy process which would involve a full on-site assessment.


Officers would continue to monitor general criminal damage figures in Redditch and would be able to compare this data against other districts.


North Worcestershire Hate Crime Report


Finally, the Panel received a detailed breakdown of recorded hate crimes in Redditch from between April and August 2012.


It was explained that the Hate Incident Partnership Scheme gave affected residents the opportunity to report an offence external to the Police, either to the Council or partner agencies. However, all relevant authorities were obliged to forward on these reports to the Police if a criminal offence had evidently taken place.


Officers agreed to facilitate an opportunity for Members to attend training sessions which prepared partner agencies for dealing with these issues.




The reports be noted.



Supporting documents: