Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


a)   Mayor


The Mayor’s communications and announcements were as follows:


i)    White Ribbon Campaign


The Mayor advised Members of the annual White Ribbon Campaign against Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence. The Portfolio Holder for Community Safety was invited to say a few words about the campaign.


The Portfolio Holder drew Members’ attention to the scale of domestic abuse and sexual violence in this country. It was suggested that, by publicly confronting this abuse, others could gain the courage to do likewise. The Portfolio Holder added that she had attended an event at Redditch United Football Club at which players, staff and supporters had pledged their support in the lead-up to the campaign and added their handprints and signatures to the Council’s campaign banner, entitled ‘These Hands are not for Hurting’. It was proposed that the Council meeting be adjourned to allow Members the opportunity to contribute to their own campaign banner.


The Leader of the Council was also invited to speak and added his support to the campaign. Members were informed that a number of other authorities across Worcestershire were following Redditch’s lead in respect of the creation of campaign banners and a number of men were to take part in a walk on 30th November to demonstrate their opposition to violence against women. The proposal to adjourn was seconded and it was consequently




the meeting be adjourned in order that Members might offer their handprints and signatures in a personal and public commitment to the White Ribbon Campaign.


(The meeting adjourned at 7.08pm and reconvened at 7.26pm)


Other Members then took the opportunity to add their support to the campaign, among their number several who had first-hand experience of abuse of this nature. James Cooper and other members of the Community Safety Team were thanked for their efforts in supporting the promotion of the campaign.


Mayoral Functions


The Mayor advised that, since the last meeting of the Council, he had attended a number of engagements, including Fireworks at Arrow Valley Park, Eid celebrations at St Stephen’s School, Terryspring Court’s 12th anniversary celebrations, the Remembrance Day Parade & Service, the presentation of swimming medals at Abbey Stadium and the Christmas Lights switch on in Redditch.


ii)   Forthcoming Engagements


The mayor advised that forthcoming engagements included the Worcester Christmas Fayre, a function hosted by the Redditch Association for the Blind, the Sunset Club Christmas Party and the Mayor’s Charity Quiz.


b)   Leader’s Announcements


The Leader’s Announcements were as follows:


i)    Hereford and Worcester Sports Awards


The Leader advised that he had been present at the recent Hereford and Worcester Sports Awards and had been delighted in the success of Redditch Road and Pathways Cycling Club in winning the Junior Team Award.


ii)   Remembrance Day


It was reported that the Remembrance Day Parade and Service had been very well attended and had taken place at both the War Memorial on Church Green and that on Plymouth Road. It was noted that the Editor of the Redditch Standard and a number of local schools were researching the histories of the fallen whose names were recorded on these Memorials.


iii)  Christmas Light Switch-on


The Leader thanked both Lyndsey Hadley and Louise Jones from the Planning Team for their part in making the switching on of the Town Centre Christmas lights such a success.


iv)  Primrose Hospice


Council was made aware of the excellent effort made by Lisa King, daughter of Councillor Wanda King and the late Councillor Robin King, in raising more than £1250 for the Primrose Hospice in memory of her late father.


v)   Joint Services Review – Alexandra Hospital


The Leader updated Members on the latest developments on the Joint Service Review (JSR). The Leaders and the Chief Executive of Redditch Borough and Bromsgrove District Councils had met the JSR team following the previous meeting of the Council in October.


The JSR team had stated in October that, although it had not finalised a shortlist, it was focussing on options for services at all three sites being reviewed.  Members were informed that the Alexandra Hospital was the site most likely to be affected and the main services being considered were the Accident and Emergency (A & E) Department led by specialist A & E consultants, paediatric inpatient services and consultant-led obstetrics. The majority of urgent and emergency care would still be provided at the Alex.


The Leader made clear the resolve that he and other local Council Leaders had to continue to fight to protect services at the Alex. A very encouraging and positive meeting had been held with the Health Minister, Dan Poulter, at which this message had been pressed home. Indeed, Mr Poulter was due to visit the Alex site in January. Members were informed, however, that any formal consultation on proposals for the provision of Healthcare in Worcestershire would probably not commence until March 2013 at the earliest.


The Leader advised the Council that he had asked for a further briefing on or before 18th December 2012 to ensure that he and others might proactively represent the interests of local people in this regard.