Agenda item

Executive Committee

To receive the minutes and consider the recommendations and/or referrals from the following meetings of the Executive Committee:


16th October 2012


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration include:


  • Local Development Scheme; and
  • Localism Act – Community Right to Bid.


(Reports and decisions attached)


20th November 2012


Matters requiring the Council’s consideration may include:


  • Sickness Absence Policy and Disciplinary Policy Review; and
  • Access to Information Rules – Update.


(Reports attached – Minutes to follow)


(Minutes of the meeting on 16th October 2012 circulated in Minute Book 6 – 2012/13)


Members received the minutes of the meetings of the Executive Committee held on 16th October  and 20th November 2012.




1)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 16th October 2012 be received and all recommendations’ adopted; and


2)         the minutes of the meeting of the Executive Committee held on 20th November 2012 be received and all recommendations adopted, subject to:


in respect of minute 96 (Sickness Absence Policy and Disciplinary Policy – Review) it being noted that the A5 laminated guide to the Council’s Sickness Absence Policy be made available to those Councillors who wished to receive one.


Supporting documents: