Agenda item

Fees and Charges 2013/14

To consider further information about the proposed fees and charges for services in 2013/14.


(Report to follow)


The Committee received a report which outlined the proposed fees and charges for 2013/14 for the Council’s chargeable services.


Members returned a number of comments regarding the proposed charges within Leisure and Cultural Services. In particular, it was suggested that more could be done to encourage families to visit Council owned gymnasiums. To address this it was agreed that this suggestion should be referred to the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and Tourism.


Upon it being suggested that charges for swimming and badminton appeared excessive, Officers explained that the charges were comparable with fees levied by other local authorities, and that income generation was essential to sustain existing services, including free swimming for over 60 and under 16 year olds.


Officers clarified that each promotion and performance split at the Palace Theatre was agreed on an individual basis. This was common industry practice and was proving to be far more beneficial to the Council than the earlier practice of guaranteeing artists a set fee.


Regarding charges under Regulatory Services, Officers agreed to provide clarification on why the fees listed for gambling act permits and gaming machine permits had not changed since the previous year.


Finally, it was suggested that there should be three price brackets for potential dwellings in relation to pre-application advice to help encourage small housing developments in the town. Officers agreed to take this suggestion into account as part of the Planning transformation process.




that the fees and charges for 2013/14 as set out in Appendix A - H to the report be approved; other than in cases where:-


a)      fees or charges are statutory,


b)           fees and charges are set externally, or


c)           other Council- approved circumstances apply.



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