Agenda item

Portfolio Holder Annual Report - Local Environment, Planning and Transport (Cllr Greg Chance)

To receive a presentation from the Portfolio Holder for Local Environment, Planning and Transport providing a brief overview of the Portfolio followed by a wider question and answer session.


(Oral report)



Councillor Chance gave his Portfolio Holder report to the Committee, illustrated by a PowerPoint presentation.


Councillor Chance began by explaining his roles and responsibilities as a Portfolio Holder.  He informed Members that his main responsibilities included monitoring Council performance and the development of policy, and acting as a spokesperson on behalf of the Council.  He explained the activities he undertook in order to fulfil these responsibilities which included chairing relevant meetings; disseminating information about his portfolio to the community; and developing working relationships both internally and with external bodies.


Members were informed that the portfolio area was very large and covered a range of regulatory, statutory, and discretionary services including many “front line” services.  Councillor Chance went on to highlight the key issues covered by his portfolio area.  These included the Regional Spatial Strategy; operational and service standards; the waste agenda; making improvements to the current recycling service; the cleaner, greener, safer agenda; town centre improvements; monitoring sustainability issues; economic development;  the Landscape Capital programme; and issues surrounding public transport in the town.


Members questioned Councillor Chance about the physical state of the Town’s Railway Station and the low frequency of train services.  Councillor Chance explained that a consultation exercise was due to take place on the railway service in the region and that Redditch would have an opportunity to make its views known through this process. 


Members also raised concerns about the buses in Redditch, explaining that newer buses appeared to be being taken out of circulation and replaced with older vehicles.  Councillor Chance explained that he would pass on these concerns to the bus company.  He added that residents could express their views about the bus services in Redditch by participating in a consultation exercise taking place on Church Green on Friday the 29th of February.


Members discussed recycling and the waste agenda and expressed concern about the issues facing the Council of assisting hard to reach groups with their recycling.  Officers explained that much had been done to promote the assisted collection service but that more publicity and promotion was needed.  Officers explained that the Council intended to carry out more face to face assessments with residents but that there was not one clear solution to this problem. 


Members queried the date when the Council would incorporate other materials, including category 5 and 6 plastics, into the recycling collections service.  Councillor Chance explained that this facility would be available shortly.   Officers offered to provide Members with an update on what types of materials would be recycled in the future and information on the timescales for implementation. 

Members questioned Councillor Chance about the Abbey Cemetery.  Members requested further information regarding; timescales for use of the current cemetery; whether new land had been identified for a new cemetery; and information regarding the current level of mercury emissions.   Officers reported that land had been identified to site a new cemetery but asked to postpone discussion of this issue to allow Officers time to prepare answers to these questions. 


The Chair thanked Councillor Chance for his presentation. 



1)         Officers be requested to provide an update to Members at a following meeting on the types of new materials eligible for recycling and the timescales for implementation;


2)         Officers be requested to provide an update at a future meeting about the land that has been identified for a new cemetery and whether planning permission has been secured; and


3)         the Committee note the report and agree the proposed action, all as detailed in the preamble above.