Agenda item

Redditch Market Task Group - Final Report

To consider the final report of the Redditch Market Task and Finish Group.


(Report attached)


The Committee received the final report of the Redditch Market Task Group and members of that Group, Councillors Andrew Brazier, Alan Mason, Brenda Quinney and Derek Taylor, attended, along with Ros Sidaway, the Director of Redditch Town Centre Partnership, to present their findings.


The background to the review was a perception that the market was in a gradual decline with a steady decrease in the numbers of traders and the range of goods available. The Group had travelled around the region to see what was working well elsewhere and what might be successfully adopted in Redditch. Consultation had also been undertaken with traders, customers and the public more generally and, as a consequence, the Group had come to a number of conclusions.


It was asserted that markets could succeed if they were of sufficient quality but they needed to offer a wide selection of quality goods that weren’t readily available elsewhere and additional attractions such as entertainment and catering. It was also suggested that they might provide an opportunity for the promotion of local businesses, groups and causes and for the development of entrepreneurial and retails skills amongst young people or those seeking employment. More specific recommendations focussed on such matters as the averse impact on the market of charity street fundraisers and means of mitigating their effect.


Members welcomed the report and commended the Group for their effort and enthusiasm. There was broad agreement with the thrust of the recommendations, that a new strategy should be adopted and a means put in place for taking these recommendations forward. A number of quick wins were identified amongst the recommendations but it was suggested that the Group might have considered more bold and radical options. It was accepted that the Council might not be the most suitable party to effect these changes and it was proposed that all options be considered to secure the future success of the market. In lieu of establishing a working group as recommended by the Task Group it was instead suggested that the Portfolio Holder take these proposals forward in the first instance with Officers to establish at the outset the most effective delivery method for a viable and vibrant market.


RESOLVED that, subject to the Portfolio Holder taking the lead on working on the detail of proposals and on the adoption of a bold and radical approach to recommendations 1 and 2 in particular, including a full assessment of the options for delivering a vibrant and viable market,


1)        a new strategy for the market be developed which clearly sets out how the market can be revitalised over the next five year period;


2)        a small core working group consisting of local stakeholders should be created to help develop and implement the new strategy.


3)        the number of general retail market operating days should be reduced to no more than three days a week.The working group to consult with existing regular traders about which particular days should be retained;


4)        consideration is given to holding more speciality markets to take place on nongeneral retail market operating days on a regular basis to help create a niche for the Redditch market. The working group to consider how such markets would be managed within the available resources;


5)        the market working group considers the feasibility of introducing an on-site Redditch Market information point;


Chapter 2 – Operational Issues


6)        the market working group considers the feasibility of market customers being provided with an opportunity to paythe traders for goods through their mobile phone and debit and credit card payment facilities;


7)        each trader is required to possess a returns policy which should be clearly advertised;


Chapter 3 – Engaging with the Local Community


8)        the working group facilitates further opportunities for local people, especially students and the unemployed, to obtain business experience through operating stalls in the market place at no charge on a short-term basis, to include the introduction of a new mentoring scheme to offer help and assistance to new traders;


9)        the working group facilitates further opportunities for local businesses to showcase their goods and services on market stalls;


10)      the working group facilitates the allocation of free stalls on a rotating basis to local people to promote forthcoming community events and the work of local charities, subject to stall availability;


Chapter 4 – Areas for further investigation


11)      the market working group explores the possibility of realigning and extending the layout of the market past its current location;


12)      the market working group explores the feasibility of introducing a covered food court area;


13)      the market working group explores the suitability of the design of the current market stalls and to consider whether the introduction of alternative stalls would improve the overall visual appearance of the stalls;


14)      the market working group ensures that any review of signage in the town centre includes adequate reference to the market;


15)      the market working group works with local bus operators to help further promote the market;


Chapter 5 - Other


16)      the Council should engage with the Public Fundraising Regulatory Association with a view to reaching an agreement to regulate the working days and areas of charity street fundraisers in Redditch Town Centre; and


17)      Redditch Borough Council should join the National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) and participate in the Love Your Local Market 2013 event to publicise the changes and new opportunities that would have been introduced at the market.

Supporting documents: