Agenda item

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire - Disability Awareness Training

To consider an update on work undertaken by licensing officers in identifying a suitable training provider to administer disability awareness training on behalf of Redditch Borough Council to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicle drivers and to consult with the Redditch Taxi Trade on the introduction of Disability Awareness training.


(Report attached)


Members received a report that provided an update on the work undertaken by licensing officers in identifying a suitable training provider to administer disability awareness training on behalf of Redditch Borough Council to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicle drivers and to consult with the Redditch Taxi Trade on the introduction of Disability Awareness training.


The Licensing Manager presented the report and in doing so highlighted that following on from the Licensing Committee meeting on 17th December 2012; and in response to the review undertaken by the Access for Disabled People Task Groups recommendations.  Officers had been tasked to prepare a report setting out the options for offering disability awareness training to hackney carriage and private hire vehicle drivers operating within the Borough.  The Licensing Manager drew Members’ attention to the Task Group’s recommendation that any training offered either by or on behalf of Redditch Borough Council should not be mandatory. 


The Licensing Manager informed Members that from the information gathered from the training providers contacted; Worcestershire County Council (WCC) Driver Training could undertake the Disability Awareness Training on behalf of Redditch Borough Council in the most efficient, convenient and cost effective manner to both the drivers and the Local Authority.  The training could be provided at a cost of £20.00 per person with the fee paid directly to WCC Driver Training.  The Licensing Manager further informed Members that WCC Driver Training had suggested a room be made available at Redditch Borough Council.  This would enable the training to be delivered within the locality.


The training would provide Redditch taxi drivers with the knowledge and skills required, as detailed at section 3.9 of the report, to transport customers who may have a disability both safely and confidently.  Attendees would receive a certificate of attendance.  The training would also ensure compliance with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and Redditch Borough’s Hackney and Private Hire conditions of licence.


The Principal Solicitor advised Members that, as detailed in the report, a consultation period of 12 weeks would be required as the recommendation may constitute a change to licensing policy in the Borough.  All interested parties; taxi drivers, vehicle owners, taxi operators, West Mercia Police and groups representing people with disabilities would need to be consulted with.


Members questioned if all drivers would be required to undertake the training or only those who drove wheelchair accessible vehicles.  The Licensing Manager clarified to Members that all drivers would be required to undertake the training. 


The Licensing Manager responded to Members’ questions in respect of the cost to the authority in providing a room for the training, taking into account the number of sessions that would be required if all drivers were to receive the training.  The Licensing Manager informed Members that approximately 30 to 40 drivers would be trained at each session.  The Principal Solicitor drew Members’ attention to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and that by providing a room and endorsing the training; the Authority would be paying due regard to the needs of people with disabilities living in the Borough in line with these legislative requirements. 


Further discussion followed on the Task Groups recommendation that the training should not be made mandatory.  Members agreed that given the low cost of the training; and taking into account that other Licensing Authorities across the county had a mandatory requirement of some form of disability awareness training, the training should be made mandatory.




1)               Officers undertake a 12 week consultation with the Redditch Taxi Trade on the proposal to make disability training  awareness a mandatory requirement for Hackney Carriage and Private Hire vehicle drivers in the Borough; and


2)                      Officers prepare a report on the findings of the 12 week consultation to be submitted to a future meeting of the Licensing Committee.

Supporting documents: