Agenda item


To consider Announcements under Procedure Rule 10:


a)         Mayor’s Announcements


b)         Leader’s Announcements


c)         Chief Executive’s Announcements.


(Oral report)


(a)       The Mayor’s communications and announcements were as follows:


i)          Nelson Mandela


The Mayor led the Council in paying tribute to the former South African President Nelson Mandela who had died the previous week at the age of 95. The Mayor commented that Mr Mandela had truly been a very special man and an inspiration to many around the world.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bill Hartnett, added that this legend of a man had changed the world for good and that, as a mark of respect, the Borough Flag had been flown at half mast and a Book of Condolence initiated in the Town Hall to allow local residents and others to pay their respects. The Leader of the Minority Group, Councillor Juliet Brunner agreed with what had been stated previously and added that the death of Mr Mandela represented an enormous loss to the South African nation and to the world.


Other Members then went on to add their own personal reflections and tributes, commenting on the anti-Apartheid struggle of the 20th Century and on visits by a number of them to South Africa and to Robben Island, the place of Mr Mandela’s incarceration. Mr Mandela’s forgiveness and determination to eschew retribution was considered one of his greatest strengths.


Members observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect to the late Mr Mandela.


ii)         White Ribbon Campaign


The Mayor was pleased to advise that the Council was supporting the White Ribbon campaign against domestic violence and sexual abuse for the third year running.


Councillor Rebecca Blake, Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, reflected on the activities which had been undertaken locally during the course of the campaign and invited those present to view artwork which was on display in the Chamber from victims and perpetrators of domestic violence and local students. The Leader of the Council then led other Members in expressing their thanks to those from the Council and its partner organisations for the contributions they had made to this campaign and highlighted the Human Resources Policy which was being put in place to support those employees who were affected by this issue. It was also acknowledged that the numbers of domestic violence incidents recorded nationally was still at a level which was unacceptably high.


iii)        Mayoral Functions


The Mayor advised that since the last meeting of the Council she and the Deputy Mayor had attended a number of engagements including her own Skittles Evening in October, the Borough’s Fireworks Display, the Armistice Day Parade and Laying of Wreaths, the County Harvest Service in Worcester, her Charity Quiz at the end of November, a service of Thanksgiving for Warrant Officer (Second Class) Ian Fisher at Lichfield Cathedral, the Blind Society Christmas Party, A Redditch Choral Society event and a Polish St Nicholas Day celebration at the Town Hall the previous day.


iv)        Forthcoming events


The Mayor advised that forthcoming events included a meeting with Post Office staff, the Bromsgrove District Council Carol Concert, the Matchborough Youth Forum Christmas Lunch and a visit to the patients at the Alexandra Hospital on Christmas Day.


(b)       The Leader’s announcements were as follows:


i)          Remembrance Sunday


The Leader reported that this year’s Remembrance Sunday had seen the largest turnout for quite a number of years, both amongst the members of the public and in the Parade itself.


ii)         37 Signal Regiment Visit


The Leader advised the Council that a very interesting trip had taken place to Nesscliffe Camp involving ten Members and two Officers to see 37 Signal Regiment taking part in a training exercise.


iii)        National Children Take-Over Day


The Leader reported on activities which had taken place as part of National Children Take-Over Day, including an event put on by West Mercia Police at Redditch Police Station.


iv)        Thanksgiving Service, Lichfield Cathedral


The Leader advised that, as mentioned earlier in the meeting by the Mayor, the Council had been represented at the Thanksgiving Service for Warrant Officer (Second Class) Ian Fisher of the Mercian Regiment at Lichfield Cathedral.


v)         Redditch Monopoly


The Council was informed that the Leader had attended the launch of the Redditch version of Monopoly and an example of the game was circulated at the meeting.


vi)        Town Carol Service


The Leader advised that he and a number of other members had attended the Town Carol Service at St Stephen’s Church the previous week, an event which had been well attended.


vii)       Crematorium Open Day


The Leader advised that he had attended the recent Crematorium Open Day which had been a very successful event.


viii)      Alexandra Hospital


            The Leader reported on the latest developments on the future of services at the Alexandra Hospital. A meeting had taken place the previous week between the Leaders of the three local Councils, three local MPs and the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals Trust at which the Trust had advised that services at the Alex were indeed safe. Thanks were also extended to Ruth Bamford and her Local Plans team for helping to coordinate the response from the three Council Leaders to the Clinical Commissioning Group.