Agenda item

Task & Finish Reviews - Draft Scoping Documents

To consider any scoping documents provided for possible Overview and Scrutiny review.

  • Council Flat Communal Cleaning
  • Public Transport in Redditch


(Reports to follow)



Members received two draft scoping documents for consideration.


a)                 Council Flat Communal Cleaning


The Chair explained that this item had originally been proposed during the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Afternoon in June 2008.  He informed members that, if the review was approved by the Committee, he intended to Chair the exercise.


Officers explained that there were inconsistencies in cleaning arrangements across the borough for the communal areas around Council flats, including inconsistent standards and variations in service charges.  The proposed review had been recognised by Officers as a potentially valuable exercise.


Members discussed the contents of the scoping document and agreed that objective one in the scoping document provided further clarification.  The objective needed to be amended to demonstrate that the review focused on both contractual cleaning arrangements for communal areas around Council flats as well as cleaning requirements for communal areas not covered by the Council’s cleaning contract.


The Chair informed members that the review would need to be completed in time to influence the renegotiation of the Council’s cleaning contract for Council flat communal areas.  The existing contract was due to expire on the 30th June 2010.   The Council would need a year to renegotiate the contract.  Members agreed that if the group was to make any recommendations pertaining to the contract the review would need to be completed by June 2009.


The Chair confirmed that a decision about the membership of this task and finish group would be made by himself and the Vice-Chair of the Committee in consultation with the political party group leaders.


b)                 Bus Services in Redditch


Councillor Taylor explained that this issue had originally been proposed by herself and Councillor Thomas as a potential item for scrutiny during the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Afternoon in June 2008.  The initial suggestion had been for a review of public transport in Redditch.  However, the scope had later been narrowed to focus on the gaps in bus service provision in Redditch to ensure that the scope of the review would be manageable.


Members discussed the scope and objectives for the exercise and observed that they appeared to be slightly ambiguous.  The Committee noted that the review could evolve into a larger exercise as members could extend the review to scrutinise related areas such as SMART cards. In addition, Officers advised that since the publication of the draft scoping document for the review the changes to the 57 / 58 and 55 / 56 bus routes in the Borough, referred to in the scoping document, had been addressed.


Officers explained that the Council did not have a lead officer for the review, though one would be appointed on the 17th September 2008.  The Council did not have responsibilities for transport.  Instead, Worcestershire County Council was responsible for transport issues.  Members agreed that it would be useful to invite relevant Officers from Worcestershire County Council to discuss the viability of the exercise.  These discussions would inform the content of the scoping document.  Members agreed to postpone further consideration of the review until after this meeting had occurred.


The Chair noted that a number of scrutiny exercises had been launched and were being undertaken either by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee or Task and Finish Groups.  He suggested that the Overview and Scrutiny process was close to capacity.  Members would need to remain aware of Officer and Member capacity during consideration of proposed scrutiny exercises.




a)           subject to the amendments contained in the preamble above the proposed scrutiny of Council flat communal cleaning be approved;


b)           Officers from Worcestershire County Council be invited to a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to discuss bus services; and


c)           Further consideration of the proposed Bus Services Task and Finish Review be postponed.