Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning Event - Consideration of Suggested Items for Scrutiny

To consider the outcomes of the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning event on 12th June 2013.


As part of this item Members are asked to consider whether:


·                any of these subjects would be suitable for Members to scrutinise at the Committee level; and

·                any of these topics would be suitable subjects for a time limited Task Group exercise.


(Report attached).


The Committee was invited to consider the outcome of the workshop session that had taken place during the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme Planning event in June 2013.  A large number of topics had been suggested during this workshop as potentially suitable for further scrutiny.  Members were invited to consider whether any of these items would be suitable for either a Task Group or the Committee to review in further detail.  However, the Committee noted that no Task Group exercise would be launched until detailed terms of reference had been submitted for Members’ consideration.


When selecting items for scrutiny Members were advised to consider the extent to which the topics matched items listed on the Executive Committee’s Work Programme or had recently been the subject of a decision by the Executive Committee.  The Committee was also informed that in line with best practice in Overview and Scrutiny the relevance of the topics to local community needs and priorities needed to be taken into account.  As part of this process Members were urged to note that anything impacting on the local community, including services and activities delivered by external organisations, could be scrutinised.


During consideration of this item the Committee’s Work Programme was also considered.  Members noted that a scoping document, detailing the terms of reference for a proposed review of the Abbey Stadium, was due to be submitted by Councillor Derek Taylor for the Committee’s consideration on 23rd July.  Councillor Hopkins had also expressed an interest in submitting a scoping document for the Committee’s consideration in due course; on the subject of trees and landscaping, which would take into account grass cutting and the impact of tree roots on footpaths.


The Chair advised Members that he was keen to ensure that the Committee’s Work Programme remained flexible during the year.  As part of this process he suggested that the Committee should not seek to set items for every meeting at an early stage in the municipal year.  Flexibility in the Work Programme would provide the Committee with an opportunity to respond to urgent issues as and when they arose.


The Committee also considered the resources available to support scrutiny exercises.  The two Democratic Services Officers with lead responsibility for Overview and Scrutiny at the Council realistically had capacity to support one Task Group review at any one time effectively.  Members agreed that they were keen to ensure that the time dedicated by these Officers to supporting scrutiny exercises was used as constructively as possible.


The impact of service transformation on the timing of some reviews was discussed in detail.  Members questioned whether it would be appropriate to review subjects such as trees and landscaping at a time when changes to landscaping services were being trialled through the transformation process.  Instead, it was suggested that Councillors could ask to observe or participate in the trials.  In addition, Members noted that it might be useful to invite Officers involved in the trials to deliver a presentation to the Committee, as this would enable Members to learn about the impact on the service from frontline Officers. 


The Alexandra Hospital had been proposed a significant number of times as a potential topic for scrutiny.  The Committee noted that the Save the Alex campaign was already working hard, with the support of elected Members, to address the issue.  Furthermore, the Alexandra Hospital Commission had already been established by the Council and would provide an opportunity for relevant issues to be discussed in further detail.  For these reasons it was agreed that the hospital should not be added as an item to the Committee’s Work Programme.


Housing had similarly been consistently identified during the workshop as a subject suitable for scrutiny.  In particular it was suggested that the Council’s working relationship with Housing Associations in allocating suitable housing to tenants should form the subject of a Task Group review.


The condition of pavements in the Borough had also been identified a number of times as a suitable topic for scrutiny.  Councillor Smith expressed an interest in leading a Task Group review on this subject.  However, Members agreed that further information about the proportion of footpaths and pavements that were the responsibility of Redditch Borough Council and Worcestershire County Council should be provided for Members’ consideration before a scoping document was submitted for the Committee’s consideration on this subject.


The Committee was advised that the Council’s Landscaping and Legal teams were currently working closely with Worcestershire County Council to review respective responsibilities for maintaining land in the Borough.  Maps were being produced which would identify the areas of land that were known to be owned by the County Council or the Borough Council.  Further areas of land where ownership was unclear, and appropriate maintenance arrangements, were also being considered.  Members agreed that a presentation to the Committee on this subject would be a suitable item to add to the Work Programme.


During the course of discussions Section 106 Agreements were identified as an item suitable for the Committee to scrutinise.  In particular, Members noted that clarification was required about; how much Section 106 monies could be secured for different developments, how the money could be spent; and the extent to which elected Members could influence spending.


The Council’s tendering process had been identified as a potential area of interest after the workshop event had taken place.  Members reported that they had received questions from constituents about the process.  In the first place it was suggested that these questions might be addressed most appropriately through separate discussions with Officers responsible for the Council’s procurement process.  Further information could be provided on this subject for the committee’s consideration at a later date if considered appropriate.




1)        Councillor Andrew Brazier submit a scoping document detailing draft terms of reference for a review of the Council’s relationship with housing associations in relation to housing allocation;


2)        Officers deliver a presentation at a following meeting of the Committee on the outcomes of current discussions between Redditch Borough Council and Worcestershire County Council to clarify land ownership and maintenance arrangements;


3)        information about the proportion of footpaths and pavements in the Borough that are the respective responsibility of Redditch Borough Council and Worcestershire County Council be provided for Members’ consideration at a forthcoming meeting of the Committee;


4)        Officers deliver a presentation on the subject of Section 106 Agreements at a forthcoming meeting of the Committee; and


5)        the report be noted.






Supporting documents: