Agenda item

Local Strategic Partnership - Monitoring Update Report

To consider the latest monitoring update report regarding the work of the Redditch Local Strategic Partnership.


(Report attached)



The Committee received its six monthly update on the work of the Redditch Local Strategic Partnership in accordance with the four priority areas of the Redditch Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS).


Members heard that the two functioning theme groups of the Partnership, the Health and Wellbeing sub-group and the Children’s Local Partnership, had merged to form one cross cutting group in the expectation that a wider range of partners could come together to discuss important health issues in a collaborative manner. As the newly formed group’s action plan had yet to be finalised, it was proposed that information about this this should form part of the next six monthly update. Alternatively, the Committee could choose to invite individual partners to explain what they were doing.


Members expressed concern regarding the change in location for sexual health clinics as it was thought that important services could be moved from areas of highest need, including Woodrow. Members requested further information about the extent to which the clinics met the needs of teenage/young women as Members were keen to ensure that these facilities helped to address teenage pregnancy levels.  The Committee was advised that the issue of teenage pregnancy levels could form part of emerging local health priorities. Officers were requested to feedback Members’ concerns to the Partnership Board.


There was also some concern that Members had not been sufficiently involved in the Church Hill Big Local Scheme that was to give residents control of a £1million budget to improve the area during the next ten years. Officers explained that the initial emphasis was on a bottom up approach that would give local residents the opportunity to state how the monies should be spent without any outside influence. It was the intention that Councillors and other partners would then become involved in the process.


Members queried whether the needs of adults and the elderly would be met through the SCS, especially around health. Officers acknowledged that previous actions had been focused on meeting the needs of young people. However, they were fully conscious of the needs of adults and the elderly and these would be taken into account as the new action plan was developed. 


Officers acknowledged that the Partnership had focused least on its third priority to provide a more diverse range of employment within the Borough. However, other mechanisms and groups already existed to ensure that Redditch’s economic needs were being met, including the North Worcestershire Economic Development Unit.

Members were very keen that more activities should be provided for adult and elderly people in the town’s parks and open spaces, including Morton Stanley Park. It was suggested that county Councillors could submit a joint bid for new adult exercise equipment to be installed in Morton Stanley Park or funding could be obtained from public health sources.  The Committee was advised that it was likely this equipment would cost approximately £60,000.




the Council identify suitable sources of funding, including from external partner organisations such as Worcestershire County Council, that could be used to fund the installation of adult exercise equipment in Morton Stanley Park.




the report be noted.





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