Committee attendance

Council, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Juliet Barker Smith 3
Councillor Monica Stringfellow 3
Councillor James Fardoe 3
Councillor Chris Holz 3
Councillor Ian Woodall 3
Councillor Jane Spilsbury 3
Councillor William Boyd 3
Councillor Claire Davies 3
Councillor Sachin Mathur 3
Councillor David Munro 3
Councillor Rita Rogers 3
Councillor Gary Slim 3
Councillor Jen Snape 3
Councillor Paul Wren 3
Councillor Andrew Fry 3
Councillor Bill Hartnett 3
Councillor Brandon Clayton 2
Councillor Wanda King 3
Councillor Alan Mason 1
Councillor Joe Baker 3
Councillor Matthew Dormer 3
Councillor Craig Warhurst 3
Councillor Gemma Monaco 3
Councillor Juma Begum 2
Councillor Sharon Harvey 3
Councillor Joanna Kane 3
Councillor Sid Khan 3
Crime and Disorder Scrutiny, 1 meeting
Member Attendances
Councillor Monica Stringfellow 1
Councillor Claire Davies 1
Councillor Rita Rogers 1
Councillor Andrew Fry 0
Councillor Craig Warhurst 1
Councillor Joanna Kane 1
Overview and Scrutiny, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Juliet Barker Smith 1
Councillor Monica Stringfellow 1
Councillor Jane Spilsbury 2
Councillor William Boyd 6
Councillor Claire Davies 3
Councillor Sachin Mathur 5
Councillor David Munro 5
Councillor Rita Rogers 4
Councillor Jen Snape 1
Councillor Paul Wren 4
Councillor Andrew Fry 5
Councillor Bill Hartnett 1
Councillor Brandon Clayton 2
Councillor Joe Baker 2
Councillor Matthew Dormer 6
Councillor Craig Warhurst 5
Councillor Sharon Harvey 1
Councillor Joanna Kane 6