Committee details

Crime and Disorder Scrutiny

Purpose of committee

The Redditch Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panel was established in September 2009.  The Redditch Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panel is Redditch Borough Council’s designated Committee for scrutinising the work of the local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership, as required by the Police and Justice Act 2009.


Five Councillors are appointed to the Panel each year.  The Redditch Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Panel acts as a Sub-Committee of the Council’s overarching Overview and Scrutiny Committee.  The Panel is designed to scrutinise the work of the local Crime and Disorder Scrutiny Partnership (CDRP).  The North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership is the CDRP for Redditch. 


The Panel has a number of responsibilities which include: holding the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership to account for its decision making; scrutinising the performance of the Community Safety Partnership; and undertaking policy reviews of specific crime and disorder issues.  The Panel can also help to highlight and challenge people’s perceptions of crime and disorder in the local area and undertake community engagement and consultation to establish local people’s priorities for crime and disorder issues.


The Membership for this Committee will be determined at the Council AGM on the 21 May 2018.




Contact information

Support officer: Mat Sliwinski.