Issue - decisions

Medium Term Financial Strategy and Plan 2010/11to 2012/13

08/07/2009 - Proposals for Re-investment - Economic Downturn



1)         the proposals and projects contained within Appendix 1 be funded for the relevant periods;


2)         the funding for the projects/posts be met from the £255,000 currently set aside; and


3)         the £32,500 remaining balance be held for any future bids.


(Officers undertook to respond to Councillor Hartnett following the meeting in respect of a proposal to establish a Service Level Agreement with Registered Social Landlords to enable them to act as verification agencies on behalf of the Council – n.b. Officers identified that this action had been included in the Benefits Service Improvement Plan at a later point in the meeting.


The Chair invited Members to respond to Officers should compelling proposals be identified for the remaining balance.)