Issue - decisions

Future Maintenance of Woodlands

28/07/2009 - Environmental Services - Forestry Management



1)                 the current five year programme of works be remodelled into a two year rolling programme;

2)                 the existing arrangement with the external forestry consultant be continued until 31 March 2010.  Officers will appoint a suitable consultant via the Council’s procurement procedures with effect from 1 April 2010 for a period of four years with the option to extend the contract for one additional year;

3)                 the works be let on a bi-annual basis based on competitive quotations and subject to availability and satisfactory performance by the contractors; and

4)                 proposals for works to improve the aging footpath network within the woodland areas and any consequential capital bids be brought to the Committee in due course, including the identification of any potential external sources for funding of new or improved footpaths.